Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Looking Forward

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
~~~ 1 Kings 19:16B, 19-21 ~~~ Psalm 16 ~~~
~~~ Galatians 5:1, 13-18 ~~~ Luke 9:51-62 ~~~

"I will follow you wherever you go." 

Making the personal decision to follow Jesus
 requires one to look forward.

Jesus was always moving toward
 the cross on the hill...
toward securing salvation for all people.

His actions were in preparation, not just for him
 but his followers too.

When one makes the choice to freely follow Jesus
 it must encompass the will to live the life of Christ.

If one is not willing to live the life of Christ,
then why bother to follow him?

If one is not willing to live the life of Christ
are you really following him?

How committed are you to following Christ?

In our Baptism we were claimed for Christ...we are his.

Elijah claimed Elisha by draping his cloak
around Elisha's shoulders.

Elijah went over to him and threw his cloak over him.

The cloak passing from Elijah the prophet, to Elisha,
symbolizes the passing of prophetic authority.
Elisha freely made the choice to follow Elijah.

Elisha left his former life;
 embarking on a new life with the prophet, Elijah.

Jesus tells us if we are to follow him
 we must take up our cross.
We must take up our own cross.
No one is standing in the wings with your cross.

Your personal cross is the cloak
given to us as we choose to follow Christ.

Elijah's cloak was a call to ministry for Elisha.

Choosing to follow Christ prepares
us to wear the cloak while taking up our cross.

"I will follow you wherever you go." 

Choosing to follow Christ does not include
 wearing a super hero cloak.

Choosing to follow Christ does include
taking up your cross every day.

...guided by the Spirit...

Follow Christ...make the choice
that ensures your life will be more meaningful.

We are invited to follow Christ.
Please, take up your cross, grab your cloak
 and come with Jesus.

~~~Blessings beyond your imagination~~~


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