Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, January 30, 2016

David Faces Reality

~~~ 2 Samuel 12:1-7A, 10-17 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~
~~~ Mark 4:35-41 ~~~

Create a clean heart in me, O God.

The readings today are a precursor to our
time of repentance...Lent.

Ash Wednesday is little more than a week away.

During lent we are reminded about our own sinfulness...
we are reminded that God has command over life and death...
even over the wind and sea. 

God did show great forgiveness toward David,
but David also had to suffer for his hideous decisions.
David experienced our all powerful God.

David saw the results of his lust and adultery...
the death of his child.
This loss of this innocent life brought
David to the ground. 

Create a clean heart in me, O God.

God has unlimited power and mercy.
It is through our faith that we are led to trust him.

David ruled with ruthless violence, not only against his enemies,
but with his own soldiers.

In reality how can we expect God
to deal with us in any manner other than the way
 we have dealt with others?

The difference is that we are clueless
to the love God has for us.
We are also clueless to God's immense power and justice.

David was caught in a violent
storm that he himself caused by his sins.
Sin eventually has repercussions for our soul.

Crushed by the truth of his sinfulness David
faces reality fasting and clothed in sackcloth.

Jesus can calm the storms of our life...
He can speak the words...
 “Quiet! Be still!”

These three words can create peace
 in your your life.

Give me back the joy of your salvation,
and a willing spirit sustain in me.

A willing spirit is our ticket to salvation joy.

Blessings in the storms of life.

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