Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Have You Seen His Fingerprints?

~~~ Romans 1:16-25 ~~~ Psalm 19 ~~~ Luke 11:37-41 ~~~

Did not the maker of the outside also make the inside?

Jesus accepts an invitation to dine in the home of a Pharisee.
Pharisees enforced the laws and rules of the day.
It was their job to observe with a very critical eye...
it was expected for them to scrutinize and reprimand 
those not following the rules. 

As soon as Jesus enters into this Pharisee's home 
he breaks a widely prescribed rule...
He does not perform the prescribed 
hand washing before eating. 

This misinformed Pharisee misses the point
 that Jesus is in his house.

He is obsessed with 'the outside' of his cup.

How would any of these rules and laws 
influence your holiness?

What attracts you to a certain glass, cup or mug?
We rarely examine the inside of the cup.
We are more often attracted to the colors
 or the design on the outside.
We usually do not even 
consider the inside.

...they became vain in their reasoning,
and their senseless minds were darkened.

The Pharisees claimed to be wise, but their focus 
on the laws caused them to become vain. 
Their vanity kept them from having the time
 to examine their heart.
Their life was out of balance,
but more importantly their soul was being ignored.

When your priority is out of balance 
too often the outside is what you care most about.

Consider for a moment how God sees you.
To God you appear as a translucent cup.
God sees you as you are inside and outside.
God sees his fingerprints on the outside of your 'cup'

Have you seen his fingerprints from inside?

There is nothing within or without
that you can do to keep what is inside hidden.
God cares more about the inside of you
than your physical appearance.

To God you are a crystal goblet...
An exquisite sparkling cup.
You are a treasure to God...
He created you to be beautiful in all ways.

It is your responsibility to keep
 the crystal cup bright and shining.

If you set your priority to keep the inside of the cup
clean you will be able to see God's 
fingerprints on the outside.

Did not the maker of the outside 
also make the inside?


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