Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

In the Palm of His Hand

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 11:19-26 ~~~ Psalm 87 ~~~ John 10:22-30 ~~~

The feast of the Dedication was an eight day festival of lights.
This is when Jesus is confronted...
“How long are you going to keep us in suspense?
If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.” 
You can almost feel their sense of frustration.
They want to know the truth.

Why won't Jesus just tell them in simple words who he is?
Why doesn't Jesus just come out and tell it like it is?
He is the Messiah period...there is no room for discussion.
Jesus becomes equally as frustrated with them.
It is as if the words he speaks to them 
are in an entirely different language.

It is much like a parent feels 
when trying to reason with their teenage child...
there seems to be a huge communication barrier between them.

Words are not the only way to communicate with someone.
We have the image of the shepherd...the sheep see him...
they hear the sound of his voice and they follow him.
Jesus takes it to a deeper level.

Jesus speaks of having us cradled in his hand.

No one can take them out of my hand. 

For me this is a beautiful image...resting in the hand of Jesus or God.
What do we put in our hands?
I think of holding the tiny hand of a newborn baby.
Is this how we are to God?
Are we just a tiny infant in the palm of his hand?
I like to imagine God drawing me up to kiss me on the cheek.
So tender, so loving, so intimate...
what a dream.
One vital need of humans is to be touched 
to have that human physical contact.
Imagine the physical contact with Jesus; 
many in the Bible did experience his healing touch.
A simple touch can bring comfort, peace, and understanding.

God the Father has given us to Jesus...
has put us in the palm of his hand.
No one can take us away.
The tenderness of God is perfectly illustrated in this image.
No one can take us out of the Father's hand 
or out of the hand of Jesus;
they are one.
Blessed to rest safely in the palm of his hand.
~~~ Peace ~~~

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