Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Swallow Your Pride

~~~ Micah 7:14-15, 18-20 ~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ Luke 15:1-3, 11-32 ~~~

The Lord is kind and merciful.

If we but take the first step back to God
 we will experience his mercy and kindness.
This message of God's mercy is delivered over and over again 
to us yet we continue to find it hard to believe
 especially when it pertains to us.

Who is there like you, the God who removes guilt
and pardons sin for the remnant of his inheritance;
Who does not persist in anger forever,
but delights rather in clemency...

God searches out the least of us
 inviting us to come experience 
what his mercy can do for our soul.

This magnificent mercy should 
make us love God all the more deeply,
but I fear it is too often overlooked.
Our thinking is that is makes for a good story,
but what does that have to do with me.

We have one such story in the gospel 
today of the Prodigal Son.
This story is probably one of the most 
well-known quoted from the Bible. 
We love this story it is filled with such idyllic scenes.

Do you believe that such a setting is possible?
Can you place yourself either in the place of the child or the father?
Sometimes we are the child...sometimes we must be the parent.

He ran to his son, embraced him and kissed him.

Notice here it is the father who rushes out
 to meet his son in the distance.
Before the father can see the son though
the son had to swallow his pride.

The son had to make the difficult decision 
to return to his father's home.

Lent is the acceptable time for us to do the same...
Swallow our pride and come back to our Father.

The father in today's gospel held a great celebration.
There was much rejoicing because the son admitted 
his selfishness which led to his poor decision.

This exactly what we are invited to do during this Lenten season,

The father does not ridicule the son.
The father does not belittle the son.
The father does not even try to make the son feel guilty.

The Lord is kind and merciful.

Pray for God to soften your heart 
so that you can overcome whatever is keeping 
you from returning back to the Lord.

There is no better time than NOW.

Coming home is filled with so many Blessings.

You will experience his overwhelming 

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