Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Broom Tree Service

~~~ Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ~~~
~~~ 1 Kings 19:4-8 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ Ephesians 4:30—5:2 ~~~
~~~ John 6:41-51 ~~~

...I am the living bread that came down from heaven;
whoever eats this bread will live forever;
and the bread that I will give is my flesh for the life of the world.

Many times at Mass I see people remain
 in their place during Communion.
It makes me feel sad for them.
Unless you have committed a grave mortal sin 
there is no good reason not to receive.

Jesus never said only those who are worthy 
will receive me as their 'bread of life'.
Because, who are we trying to fool?
We will never be worthy to receive him into our body.

The psalmist tells us to taste and see the goodness of the Lord.
Not just the goodness, but the life of the Lord.
Jesus is the 'bread of life'...eternal life.

Elijah, surrendered his life to God resting under the 'broom tree'.
A broom tree is one of the smaller trees in the area.
Elijah leans against the trunk of the tree...
resting on God as he prays for death to come take him.

He is weary and tired.
As he sleeps peacefully under the tree
an angel comes delivering food.
The angel not only brought food, but also a message from God.

“Get up and eat, else the journey will be too long for you!” 
He got up, ate, and drank;
then strengthened by that food,
he walked forty days and forty nights
 to the mountain of God, Horeb.

Jesus is the Bread of Life 
he is our strength for the journey.
We have a standing invitation to come receive this living bread.

Sometimes our journey keeps us from coming to receive;
this is when God may send one of his angels 
carrying his bread of life to you.

No matter where you are God
 will find a way to nourish your soul.

Elijah sought God under the broom tree.
Where do you seek him?

The life that Jesus offers to you is beyond 
leaning on the broom tree.

The shade and rest space allows us to be fed...
to be strengthened... to continue the journey...
Your journey will end when you finally exhale your last breath.

Until that day comes...
be fed by the Bread of Life...Eucharist.

Blessed by Jesus to be food for the journey.
~~~ Peace ~~~

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