Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Dusting and Chopping in Prayer

~~~ Memorial of Saint Martha ~~~
~~~ 1 John 4:7-16 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ Luke 10: 38-42 ~~~

We all know the familiar story of Martha and Mary...
one preferred using her time for prayer
the other, Martha, preferred honing her culinary skills.

Even though Martha got great satisfaction
 from preparing delicious meals,
she thought her sister, Mary, should be helping her.
She failed to see that her choices pertained to her, not to Mary.
She also failed to see that her time in the kitchen
 could also be considered prayer.

Martha, Martha, you are anxious and worried about many things. 

Martha was worried about many things
causing her to miss her opportunity to pray as she prepared their meal.

Jesus says...
Mary has chosen the better part
and it will not be taken from her.

Mary has chosen the best part...
is it because of her position at the feet of Jesus
or is it because of the disposition of her soul?

Mary was open...listening to Jesus.
Martha was in the kitchen grumbling and complaining.
It is much harder to listen to Jesus when you 
are grumbling and complaining.

There is a time for balance in your life
 between spending time with Jesus in prayer 
and taking care of household chores such as meal preparation.

Both are important...
neither is better in extreme.
One may not take precedence over the other in most cases.
We cannot all be cloistered nuns or monks
dedicated to praying for hours upon hours.

Allow the Lord to bring greater balance into your life.
All that you do can be in the spirit of prayer.
Jesus speaks to you whether you are chopping onions, dusting, 
cleaning toilets or sitting at his feet in Adoration or Mass.

Blessings when you need to be 'Martha'
later you can also be 'Mary'.


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