Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, July 20, 2015

Directions...Google or God?

~~~ Exodus 14:5-18 ~~~ (Psalm) Exodus 15:1BC-2, 3-4, 5-6 ~~~
~~~ Matthew 12:38-42 ~~~

“Fear not! Stand your ground,
and you will see the victory the LORD will win for you today.
These Egyptians whom you see today you will never see again.
The LORD himself will fight for you; you have only to keep still.”

Moses was very confident that he was doing exactly
 as God had commanded him.
The people of Israel followed Moses but they were ravaged with doubts.
They needed a leader who was not easily intimidated.
Moses had his directions directly from the presence of God.
No matter what the people said Moses 
was given the words to speak from God.

Moses knew without a doubt that God would protect his people.
God chose Moses to lead them to the promised land.
God, however, did not tell Moses how long this journey would be. 
Moses could not just use Google maps to plan his trip.
He could not enter the final destination 
to get the estimated time of arrival.

God parted the sea just long enough to allow 
Moses to lead all the people across
before the surged back together.

The parting of the seas was evidence of God's extreme protection.
God takes care of his chosen ones in times of dire need.

Sometimes we need to experience this kind of overt protection
 from God before we come to completely trust him.
It is similar to Thomas wanting to put his own fingers
 into the wounds of Jesus.

We are not suggesting that God will always 
make his presence known in such a robust manner.
For most of the time we trust God just because
 it is what we have been taught.

That day all of Pharaoh's soldiers drowned...
the people with Moses gave glory and praise to God.
This was just one such incident of God's protection over his people.

You are one of God's chosen.
It is reasonable to believe that he protects you as well.
You may not witness the parting of the seas in your personal life,
but you are protected with the same might and power.

An evil and unfaithful generation seeks a sign,
but no sign will be given it
except the sign of Jonah the prophet.

Today is a reminder of God's unseen protection over you.

Blessings in those hidden times of danger.
Rest in the Lord...bring him your in his loving care for you.


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