Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, May 29, 2015

Delight in...

~~~ Sirach 44:1, 9-13 ~~~ Psalm 149 ~~~ Mark 11:11-26 ~~~

The Lord takes delight in his people.

The Lord takes delight in you.
Do you take delight in others?
Jesus comes to us, cares for, loves us, and forgives us
because he takes delight in us.

Each time we reach out to another person
we are invited to take delight in them.

Jesus went to the fig tree,
 but it was not time for for it to be producing fruit.
Sometimes Jesus comes to us and we cannot bear fruit
 because we cannot take delight in ourselves.

If our heart is heavy with anger, hatred, or other sins
it is almost impossible to take delight in ourselves...
it is impossible to think that God would take delight in us.

If we carry the heavy burden of unforgiveness,
we cannot even consider being considered as anyone's delight
much less being the delight of God.

If you remember that God takes delight in you
it just might make you think twice before you act.

If you remember to take delight in others
it might affect how you treat them.

I invite you to consider,
how God takes delight in you.

Blessings of delight.

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