Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

In His Palm

~~~ Proverbs 21:1-6, 10-13 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Luke 8:19-21 ~~~

Like a stream is the king’s heart in the hand of the LORD;
wherever it pleases him, he directs it.

The manner in which water flows is consistent...
it seeks the lower ground.
It seeks the lower ground because it is longing to merge with the
nearest greater body of water.
A stream would not be content to remain
disconnected from the nearby lake or river.
A stream wants to be a part of something bigger than itself.

So it is with us as well. Our heart wants to be a part
of something bigger than ourselves.
Our heart wants to join with the heart of God...
to be one with his Sacred Heart.
We too are in the hand of God.
He directs our heart in the manner he wishes it to move.
He causes love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness
to move like a stream within our heart.

Our task is to 'go with the flow'...
to let God take control of our surrender to the flow.
The flow that leads us to the greater body of Christ here and in the hereafter.

We are the sisters and brothers of Christ now.
We belong to him...We are in the palm of his hand.
He is the path...he leads the way.
He is the greater source of all that is good.
Blessed to be led by Him.

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