Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

One 4-Letter Word...LIFE

~~~ Isaiah 49:8-15 ~~~ Psalm 145 ~~~ John 5:17-30 ~~~

I have heard people say that they do not know God,
but in reality we can know God through
his son, Jesus.

Jesus is the visible flesh and blood of God.
Jesus is the substance and essence of God the Father.

...the Son cannot do anything on his own, but only what
 he sees the Father doing;
for what he does, the Son will do also.

God the Father models everything good for the Son to exhibit to us.
Jesus is one with the Father in all ways.
Their connection is way more than the traditional
 genetic father son bond.
God the Father is manifested
 before our very eyes in the person of Jesus.

Amazed is such a weak word to describe what is happening 
between the Father and the Son.

...the Father loves the Son
and shows him everything that he himself does,
and he will show him greater works than these,
so that you may be amazed.

Jesus knows without a doubt that he is loved by the Father.
He heard the words as he emerged from the waters of the Jordan...
This is my beloved son, whom I love...

The goal of many types of entertainers is to amaze you;
to make you say 'wow, how did he do that?'

Jesus did indeed work many miracles that we are still amazed and wowed.
There is nothing plain and ordinary about what God does.
God is God; how can we not be amazed?

Jesus has all of the same powers as the Father to use at his discretion.
The Father has given the Son the foundation of his love for us
so that the Son can freely chose when and how
to demonstrate his love.

...For just as the Father has life in himself,
so also he gave to the Son the possession of life in himself.

The great mystery of the Trinity;
condensed into one four letter word

Lent is about change...
Lent is about Life....
Not only life in this world, but eternal life.
Our salvation must be something that continues to amaze us.

Why would God go to such extravagant means to save us?
He wants to give us a share in life eternal with him
in the kingdom of heaven.

 Blessed with the gift of Life
 here and in eternity.

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