Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Tomorrow is Not Guaranteed

~~~ James 4:13-17 ~~~ Psalm 49 ~~~ Mark 9:38-40 ~~~ have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow.

Do not good today.
We have no guarantee what tomorrow will bring.
Too often we put off today what we think we can do in the future.
For some they are living their future right now.
Since we have no prior knowledge of what lies ahead for us
we must carefully make good use of today.
If there is something you need to take care of
 in your personal relationships do it soon.
There is never the ideal time to forgive and mend broken relationships.
Too often I have seen the pain of a loved one
standing at the coffin filled with sorrow over unfinished business.

This is a perfect time to heal old wounds
 as we are a few days away from Lent.

Forgiveness leads to healing your own heart.
Forgiveness is always the work of God.
If you can forgive you are doing the work of God.

There is no one who performs a mighty deed in my name
who can at the same time speak ill of me.
For whoever is not against us is for us.”

You cannot be against God and do good toward others.
The one who does these good works may not declare a relationship with God,
but we believe all that is good comes from God.

What if you have no tomorrow?
Would you live today differently?
Thoughts to ponder today.

Blessed to have no knowledge about tomorrow.
This should not stop us from setting goals though.
Carpe Diem...Seize the day
with good works and open hearts.

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