Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, February 3, 2014

Conspiracy of Death

~~~ 2 Samuel 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13 ~~~ Psalm 3 ~~~ Mark 5:1-20 ~~~

The third son of David, Absalom, suffers from over active ambition.
He conspires to strip his father of his kingship.
He carefully carries out his plot until David flees in despair.
David and his loyal armies leave the city of Jerusalem.
David leaves weeping and with his head covered.
He is devastated and probably did not see this coming from his own son.

As David went up the ascent of the Mount of Olives, 
he wept without ceasing. His head was covered, 
and he was walking barefoot. 
All those who were with him 
also had their heads covered and were weeping as they went.

David is deeply disturbed by the actions of his son taken against him.
He had only recently agreed to restore his relationship with Absalom
after he killed his own brother.

One of the most somber places we might go is a cemetery.
A cemetery is usually a fairly quiet place...
a place where only a handful of people frequent on a regular basis.
A cemetery, is where we find the main characters in the Gospel today.
Jesus gets out of the boat and is confronted with a myriad of evil spirits.

...a man from the tombs who had an unclean spirit met him.
The man had been dwelling among the tombs,
and no one could restrain him any longer, even with a chain.

This poor soul was alive, but completely consumed by these demons.
The demons never let him rest;
they tortured and tormented him night and day.
But when they see Jesus they know with certainty
 that he has come for them.

Jesus walking among the dead cast the demons into the herd of swine.
Swine were already considered unclean and not fit for human consumption.
In this cemetery Jesus has a confrontation about life and death
 in the very location where death remains.

The tormented man wants to be given life.
The evil demons had robbed him of his life,
just as sin robs us of life.

Jesus restores life no matter what the situation.
He is life...he has conquered death.
Absalom conspired with his own demons of death.
The legion of demons conspired to draw their life from the poor man.

Jesus wants us to  have everlasting.
The life Jesus restores is the most amazing life;
a life like never before experienced.

“Go home to your family and announce to them
all that the Lord in his pity has done for you.”

God wants to bless us in telling others of his great love and mercy.

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