Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Homecoming in the Temple

~~~ John 4: 19-5:4 ~~~ Psalm 72 ~~~ Luke 4:14 ~~~

Lord, every nation on earth will adore you.

This is the fourth day including last Sunday, the Epiphany,
that we are given psalm 72
bridging the readings together.
The Kings came bearing gifts from afar,
prostrated themselves and adored the child Jesus.

Luke has Jesus returning to Galilee at the beginning of his ministry.
Mark, however has this reading in the temple closer to the end of his ministry.
Whenever it occurred, Jesus did go to temple.

He came to Nazareth, where he had grown up,
and went according to his custom
into the synagogue on the sabbath day. 

He was a devout Jew, even though he came to bring about change.
Jesus is home perhaps he had come home to be with his family.
There is a certain comfort about coming home...
the unconditional love of family...
the familiarity of the home...
favorite meals...
sleeping in your own bed...
sharing stories...catching up on what has happened.

Jesus could not call home
or check in on social media with his loved ones.
It would have been normal for him to participate in temple service.
The elders welcomed him in the temple.
He was close to being an elder himself by now.

They handed him the scroll to read from in their presence.
However, they may not have been expecting to hear
 the passage he spoke aloud to them.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me...

But even more shocking was what he said to them afterward...

He was the kid down the street.
They had watched him grow up.
They had seen him laughing and helping Joseph
in his workshop.
Jesus was a local boy
who had been away and was now back home.

They must have been secretly irate when...
He said to them,
“Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” 

At first it took them by such surprise they were mesmerized by his eloquence.
They were impressed by how well he read from the scroll.
This first impressing will soon be replaced.
They begin to grumble quietly to themselves,
but soon their personal outrage spreads to others.

Just who does he think he is?

Jesus openly laid claim before the elders of Nazareth.
He proclaimed himself to be the subject of the prophecy of Isaiah.
What other surprises does he have for them?

Jesus blesses us where he needs for us to grow.
It may be in our home town, but it could
be while away in distant lands.
It may be among family members or it could be
amidst complete strangers.

He wants to bless you where you are today.

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