Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, January 18, 2014

God and the Oily Head

~~~ 1 Samuel 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1 ~~ Psalm 21 ~~~ Mark 2:13-17 ~~~

A funny thing happened on the way to look for the lost asses.
Saul meets Samuel and becomes the King...what a strange turn of events.
God's plan is never dull and always filled with surprise.

Then, from a flask he had with him, Samuel poured oil on Saul’s head;
he also kissed him, saying:
“The LORD anoints you commander over his heritage.
You are to govern the LORD’s people Israel...

Saul really has few characteristics of a king...
he is hardly 'qualified' for the job.
But Samuel and God agree to give the people what they want...
a King.
Samuel tells Saul...
“This will be the sign for you
that the LORD has anointed you commander over his heritage.”

To anoint means to rub or smear with oil.

Samuel poured oil over the head of Saul...he set him apart.
In the Bible oil is the physical representation of a spiritual reality.
Saul was now set apart for God's purpose.
God orchestrated the setting in which they were to meet.

I believe God sets up things between people today
 in much the same way.
Think for a moment when you had a chance meeting 
with a strange that turned into something special
Things may appear random to us when in reality
 it is all part of God's plan for us.

Every person you meet either has something to share with you
or needs something you can share.
It is a mutual beneficial meeting seemingly to be random.

It happened to me just last month...
I had a chance meeting with a woman at tea on a cruise ship.
We began to share and talk as you at a first meeting.

Making a long story short she shared with me her personal
small way of reaching out to strangers,
which I implemented upon my return home.

Samuel anoints Saul consecrating him as a holy person for God.
As Samuel is pouring the oil over Saul's head
he is imparting the Holy Spirit to be upon Saul.
This anointing prepares Saul to be in God's service.

Saul has now been chosen to serve the Lord...
from that day froward he was a changed man.

In the Gospel reading today we another unlikely candidate
called into the service of the Lord by Jesus himself.
Jesus walks by the tax collector's table
and calls Levi, the tax collector to come follow him.

God has plans to bless us in ways we do not seem prepared for...
it is a regular occurrence in the Bible;
so why not today?
The oil of anointing is imbued with the Lord's Joy.

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