Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, November 15, 2013

Appreciating the Source

~~~ Wisdom 13:1-9 ~~~ Psalm 19 ~~~ Luke 17:26-37 ~~~
 ...know how far more excellent is the Lord...
How is it that some can be surrounded by the beauty
 of nature and not go any farther?
How are you moved by the colors of a magnificent sunset and stop there?
How do you admire a fragrant rose and stop there?
How do you watch intently as the hummingbird sips
from the feeder right out your kitchen window?
How do you...
not see the wonder and awe of God in all of creation?
The appreciation of beauty surrounding us must lead us to the source.
The source of course is God.
God is more powerful and beautiful
than anything he has shown us through his creations.
From the smallest insect to the mighty whales of the ocean
God is sharing himself with us.
We may be speechless at these wonders, but they are only
 a fraction of our God.
They are but a taste of what is possible with God.
There is so much more he can do; so much more he could show us.
In his generosity he allows us to continue to discover more about our world.
He knows that we will never be able to come to the end of discovery.
We will never be able to say, we have learned all there is to learn
 about this world he has provided for us....never
If you are an atheist and choose to not believe in God,
that seems to take more energy than acknowledging his. 
Lord, help me to never take your beauty for granted.
Help me to keep this exhilarating sense of wonderment with each dawning.
Blessings come in the joy of anticipating
what is now and what will come to be revealed by God.
There is always more to be seen!
There will always be more he can show us!
How exciting can it get?
I patiently wait and eagerly watch for more.

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