Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Return to Me, My Child

~~~ Micah 7: 14-15, 18-20 ~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32 ~~~

The Prodigal Son returns home and the good father is excited beyond reason....
Or is it beyond reason?
Sometimes I am amazed at what makes the news today.
You can often tell by the stories when it is a slow news day.
Jesus attracts, among others, tax collectors and sinners.
Why do you think this is worth noting?
Had we been among those listening to Jesus 
would it have been newsworthy?

The Lord is kind and merciful.

Or is this a way of letting know that we too 
would have been accepted by Jesus?

The gospel story was one we could all identify.
The image of a loving father embracing his wayward child
is one we can all appreciate.
Either because we have a healthy loving relationship with our own father
or because we long to have that kind of relationship.
Not all fathers are emotionally equipped to respond in this forgiving manner.
God, however, responds to all of us with this generous outpouring of forgiveness.

The point of this example is that no matter what we do...
no matter how great our sin
if we return as the repentant child 
God will rush out with open arms to greet us.

If we return to the Father his forgiveness 
is like gold pieces shining
 in the ashes of our sinfulness. 
The darkness of our sins can be transformed 
into joyful brightness 
by our forgiving Father.

The Lord is kind and merciful.

Much rejoicing occurs over even just one 
child of God returning to his home.
The very best the Father has to offer 
is there for this wayward child.
Do you believe this to be true for you as well?
This is what the many beautiful Gospel stories are designed to accomplish...
they are to show us who truly God is.
We need these scenarios.
We need to see how humans can mimic for us
the qualities of God himself.
God has not left us to create our own scenes demonstrating 
his unconditional love and forgiveness.
He gives the stories from his own lips.
How can we not believe and trust that they are
meant for us today too?

The Gospel message is timeless.
What a treasure we have in the Word.
The Lord is kind and merciful.
You are forgiven.

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