Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, March 11, 2013

Created for Joy

~~~ Isaiah 65: 17-21 ~~~ Psalm 30 ~~~ John 4: 43-54 ~~~
In this fourth week of Lent the readings are building to a crescendo.
They are ultimately leading up to the Resurrection of our Lord.
The passion, crucifixion, and death of Jesus made possible
the most unique new creation. 
The creation of our eternal salvation gives us much to
celebrate with joy.
"...there shall always be rejoicing and happiness
in what I create..."
We were actually created for joy.
Have you ever thought about what brings joy into your life?
Some think having joy means you are in party mode much of the time,
but living in joy can be very quiet and peaceful.
The creation of the new heaven is filled with unsurpassed joy and happiness...
no more sadness, no more sickness, no more scarcity.
Heaven is the land of milk and honey where all desired are satisfied.
When we reside in heaven with Jesus he will be all that we need or want.
Those things that today seem so important will be nothing more
 than something we left behind.
There will not even be a memory of those previous wants and needs.
Complete joy and happiness will replace all anxiety.
There will be no way we can praise and thank God enough
for all he has done for us.

As humans we want signs and wonders, but Jesus wants us to rely more on our faith.
He wants us to believe that what we ask for will be granted.
Every prayer is answered...
God never turns a deaf ear. He always knows what is best for us...
although we may sometimes initially disagree.
In today's Gospel the royal official exercises his faith.
He allows himself the grace of believing that Jesus
could heal his child from a distance.
'...The father realized that just at that time Jesus had said to him,
“Your son will live,”
and he and his whole household came to believe...'
Jesus did perform signs and wonders when he walked this earth.
Today we have these same signs and wonders to help
strengthen our faith.
Believe that what you ask for in prayer will be done.
Persevere in your prayers and trust in the Lord.
In prayer you will find true joy in the Lord.

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