Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Belly of Conversion

~~~ Jonah 3:1-10 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~ Luke 11:29-32 ~~~

A heart contrite and humbled, O God, you will not spurn.

Every year during the season of Lent we are given the opportunity to repent.
The people of Nineveh proclaimed a fast put on sackcloth and covered themselves with ashes.
The entire city joined in this great outward sign of conversion,
including the king.
Today we are not being asked to take part in such a public
demonstration of our repentance.
But we are being called to return to the same God...
the same God that sent Jonah to bring the people to conversion.
Even the king of the city got the message and made
the personal decision to also repent.

No matter who tells you to repent it will always be your personal decision.
The people of Nineveh were so moved to respond to the message
delivered through Jonah that they even imposed this fast upon their animals.
I do find this curious since the animals had nothing for which to repent.
Perhaps the message here is that all of creation bows to God
and is made holy by the creator himself.
Or the people could have just been going to the extreme with their penance.
The important fact is; they heard the message and they acted accordingly.

When Jonah does finally surrender his control to God the results are far reaching.
Jonah was taken into the darkness of the belly of the great fish.
 It is there, in the place of darkness and isolation, that Jonah was  
able to give up all control of his life.
This place where he did not want to be became his greatest saving grace from God.
It is here where God is finally able to get his attention.
Jonah was deprived of what he previously knew to be his life.
From the belly of the great fish, God led Jonah
 into a greater life more closely aligned with God's plan for his life.

There have most likely been times in my life and your life
where we did not want to give up control to God.
Sometimes he, God, must take us deeper and deeper until finally
we have no other option but to say 'I surrender'.

God brings us to the depths into the darkness
to teach us to rely completely on him.
When we have no where else to turn he is there...
in the darkness...
when we feel isolated...
when we feel abandoned...
he is there.
He is there waiting to bring forth wondrous things from
his humbled servant.
Sometimes it is hard to pray the words...
Here I am, Lord, I come to do your will...
especially when it pains you with perceived loss.

The presence of God is with you in the darkest of times.

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