Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, February 8, 2013

His Promise is for You

~~~ Heb 13:1-8 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ Mk 6:14-29 ~~~
I will never forsake you or abandon you.
These are the very words spoken by Jesus himself.
How can we just ignore them and cling to our insecurities?
Are his words not sufficient for us?
Look at those them again to yourself...
hover over each individual word...
let it bulge off the page.
This is your message from God today.
Look it is actually addressed to you.
There's no ignoring it.
There's no denying it.
He will always be there for you, even when you cannot see him.
He will never abandon you even when you feel as if he has vanished.
Even Herod wondered just how far God
would go to make good on his promise to never abandon us.
Herod feared John the Baptist because he knew him to be a holy man.
Surely God would not abandon such a person as John.
Herod was more than a little intrigued when John spoke to him,
but at the same time he was afraid.
When you are headed down the wrong path it can be very unsettling
to hear of God's justice and peace.
It is much easier to ignore or deny that which makes you uncomfortable.
Herod distracts himself with youth and beauty.
It makes him 'feel' better at least in his physical body.
I will never forsake you or abandon you.
Read those words again.
Read them until you believe what they represent.
Read them until you can finish the complete circle of meaning...
until you can say,
The Lord is my helper,
and I will not be afraid.
What can anyone do to me?
The many saints we have in our church today
truly held these words to be true in their mind, body,
heart and soul.
We all have our fears that is normal,
but they can be controlled if we will just
hold on to these words.
We are back to the overarching theme of Faith once again.
As our pastor would say,
'This is good stuff!'
No, you do not have to die for your faith to believe these words.
You can realize them in your life each and every day.
So what are you waiting for?
Come on, let's go. Grab his hand and 'be not afraid'.
Spruce up your Faith and believe.
You are Loved!

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