Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Who Loved First

~~~ 1 John 4:7-10 ~~~ Psalm 72 ~~~ Mark 6:34-44 ~~~
'...Beloved, let us love one another,
because love is of God...'
God is love and it is because of love
that the Word became flesh.
It is love that brings forth life.
Not only is love of God but more importantly
 is the revelation that God loved us first.
He loved us without even knowing if we would return love for him.
Think about who you love.
Did they love you first?
Think about those who love you.
Did you love them first?
Jesus has a vast crowd following him and he leads
them to a deserted place.
He teaches late into the afternoon.
It is too late to send the people away without something to eat.
The disciples, not yet knowing the ways of the Lord
encourage him to send the huge crowd on their way.
Jesus, however realizes that if you are to reach the heart and soul
of a person they must also be fed.
It you are hungry the brain is less capable of thinking and
processing information.
Jesus exercises his miraculous powers...
he feeds the hungry crowd with just a few loaves and fishes.
They all ate and were satisfied.
And they picked up twelve wicker baskets full of fragments
and what was left of the fish.
Everyone ate physically and spiritually.
God takes care of our needs if we give him the chance.
The gospel does not tell us haw many people left before this miracle took place.
How many times have we been impatient
waiting on God?
Lord, today help me to see the nourishment in waiting on the Lord...
trusting he will not let me perish from starvation.

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