Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Word Speaks of Itself

~~~  Hebrews 2:5-12 ~~~ Psalm 8 ~~~ Mark 1:21-28 ~~~
The people were astonished at his teaching,
for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.
From the first time Jesus taught in the synagogue at age twelve
those listening to him were amazed and astonished.
for he taught them as one having authority and not as the scribes.
A scribe is a person who writes books or documents by hand.
They might also be called to copy the sacred texts.
By the very nature of their profession they were educated...
they could read and write.
In Ancient Israel the scribes would have been
the ones creating copies of the Torah.
There were very strict guidelines for the scribe to follow for creating
a copy of the sacred writings.
In addition to counting the exact number of lines and writing in black ink
they were also to speak each aloud as they were writing.
In other words they would have been very familiar with the
sacred texts by the time the copy was completed.
It would have been the scribes who taught the people to read the Bible.
The scribes were the teachers of the synagogue...
the "rabbi".
The scribes were respected because they were the keepers of the words of God.
Now we see Jesus teaching in the synagogue as one having authority...
as one who knew the text he was teaching.
The scribes knew the mechanics of the words.
They knew how to write the letters to make the words.
They knew how to speak the words.
But they did not have the spirit and meaning of the words like Jesus.
The scribes could copy the words exactly,
but Jesus could make the words come to life.
He was after all "the Word" made flesh.
Jesus was teaching from the heart.
The scribes were following procedures...
originating from the head.
When Jesus taught it way more than mechanical rhetoric.
When Jesus taught it was with spirit and passion.
A scribe had to measure exactly and carefully count.
A scribe had to speak precisely each word as he was writing.
A scribe had to do his work in a the proper environment.
Jesus went about his work in the streets;
among the poor, lame, and possessed.
Jesus took his teaching outside of the synagogue proper
and all who heard him were astonished.
He spoke differently than the learned scribes.

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