Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Keeping the Soul Soil Rich

~~~ Jeremiah 1:1, 4-10 ~~~ Psalm 71 ~~~ Matthew 13:1-9 ~~~ 

Whoever has ears ought to hear...

Jesus often spoke in parables inspired by his surroundings.

These parables hold meanings for us today.

The parable of the sower and the seeds
 is the current reading.
We are familiar with the seeds 
falling on different types of soil.

The prophets moved about the peoples 
spreading the seeds of God.
They did indeed experience the 
different types of soil.

Some of their words fell on the path...
some fell on rocky ground...a few fell
 on rich fertile soil.

Jesus too had the same experience 
with not just his precious words.
but his actions too.

Before I formed you in the womb I knew you...

We might ask ourselves if God 
has known us from our conception
then why do we struggle with Jesus?

God never just speaks to us 
in words and phrases we want to hear.

From our conception our soul was 
prepared to receive the goodness of the Lord.

We were born with rich soul soil...

It is up to us to keep that soil in pure condition.
It is up to us to remove the rocks and weeds.

We are responsible to hear the words of the parable;
as words meant for us in the present time.

Have no fear before them,
because I am with you to deliver you...

The Lord gives us his grace to know how
 to keep our soul in the listening mode.

To root up and to tear down,
to destroy and to demolish,
to build and to plant.

As we grow in holiness we learn to root tear down...
all that spoils our rich soil.

We learn to destroy the weeds in our souls.
We develop the strength to demolish 
the rocks along our path.

Whoever has ears ought to hear...

Listen carefully to the words of Jesus.
They are words to build upon for our future challenges.
They are words to till the soil ready to receive
 the seeds of love, peace, and forgiveness.

Have no fear before them,
because I am with you to deliver you...

Maintaining the soil of our soul...
keeping it rich, requires a current relationship with Jesus.

Those who have ears must hear the 
words of everlasting life.

Jesus speaks them directly
 into your heart.

Blessed with rich soil.
Blessed to find the weeds.
Blessed to remove the rocks.
Blessed to believe that Jesus is speaking to me.


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