Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Soul Dish Washing

~~~ 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3A, 14-17 ~~~ Psalm 96 ~~~
~~~ Matthew 23:23-26 ~~~

May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father,
who has loved us and given us everlasting encouragement
and good hope through his grace,
encourage your hearts and strengthen them
in every good deed and word.

We are called to have mercy.
We are called to serve.
We are called to be like Jesus in all ways.

We are called to not just have the heart of Jesus,
but to love through his heart.

It is love that encourages your heart.
It is love that strengthens your heart.
It is love that gives us good hope.

The love that God used to form our heart 
while yet in our mother's womb...
It is that same heart of love that we radiate
 to the world today.

It is because God has loved us that we can go out
 into the world to perform good deeds.

It is because God has loved us that we can speak 
words of hope in today's world.

...cleanse first the inside of the cup,
so that the outside also may be clean.

Next time you take a sip of your favorite beverage
notice the inside of the glass.

My preference is a crystal wine glass.
The glass can only sparkle if the inside is clean...
 then the outside also looks beautiful.

Cleansing the inside insures that you get
 the best flavor from your beverage.

So it is with our heart and soul.
They are keep a pure heart
means we are more likely 
to have a more pleasing outside.

Eventually what is inside becomes evident
 on the outside through our actions and words.

We become convicted by the state of the inside 
of our heart and soul.

The word of God is living and effective,
able to discern reflections and thoughts of the heart.

Remember your words and actions are true 
reflections of the inside of your cup.

Jesus labels the scribes and Pharisees as hypocrites.
They fail to cleanse the inside of their cup.
For inside they harbor evil...
 they are deficient in mercy and fidelity.

Consider the inside of your cup...
Come to the Lord for his cleaning assistance.
He will help you.

Soul dish washing Jesus style.


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