Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Poetic 'Still Life'

~~~ Genesis 6:5-8, 7:1-5, 10 ~~~ Psalm 29 ~~~ Mark 8: 14-21 ~~~

Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes and not see, 
ears and not hear? ...And do you not remember?

God is the greatest artist there ever was 
or ever will be...he created all things.
We are not a poetic 'still life' arrangement...
We are not a carefully chiseled marble form...
We are not a highly polished bronze statue...
We are flesh and blood...we are alive.

We do not have eyes that do not see.
We do not have ears that do not hear.
We do not have a heart of hard stone.

We are made to hear...and to love with all of our heart.

No matter how beautiful the painting...
how perfectly formed the sculpture...
they cannot compare to what God has created with you.
You are his perfect creation.

He gave you eyes to see natural beauty...
eyes to see the pain of another.
He gave you ears to hear the sounds of nature...
ears to hear his words being spoken to you.
He gave you a strong heart to love others...
a heart that can too often become calloused and scarred 
from the cruelties of the world. 

God calls to remember how good
 he created us to be in the beginning.
He wants us to remember how he loves us.

For if we can remember this love our eyes will remain open...
our hears will hear his truth...our hearts will remain 
pliable as he continues to create in us.

We are his living breathing creations...
we belong to him...we are his unique creation of love.

This Lent I challenge you to become more alive...
to see hear more...
to let your heart become softer and more compassionate.

The cold marble statue may be beautiful
 but none can compare to the beauty of who you are to God.

Blessings to be remember the good.
See more...hear more...

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