Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Precious Morsels

~~~ Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin ~~~
~~~ Philemon 7-20 ~~~ Psalm 146 ~~~ Luke 17:20-25 ~~~

“The coming of the Kingdom of God cannot be observed,
and no one will announce, ‘Look, here it is,’ or, ‘There it is.’
For behold, the Kingdom of God is among you.”

What is this Kingdom of God?
It cannot be seen...its arrival will not be published 
on the cover of a popular magazine.
No one is going to post it on Facebook.
It will not be advertised on Twitter in X number of words.

Is the Kingdom of God the Garden of Eden?
In which case it has already come and gone
 and we personally have missed it.

If this Kingdom is not a place then it must be a person;
the person of Jesus himself.
Jesus is the Kingdom of God, but this is difficult to grasp.
Saint Paul was able to tap into this Kingdom of God
 even from his prison cell.
His letter today was to Philemon.
Philemon had a slave, Onesimus, who was in prison with Paul.

Paul writes of this slave as if he were his own son.
Paul has grown to love Onesimus.
Paul's love is now being passed on to Philemon.

I urge you on behalf of my child Onesimus,
whose father I have become in my imprisonment...

Paul brought this slave, who seemingly was of no value,
into his understanding of the Kingdom of God.
Paul, looking upon this slave, saw goodness and he loved him.

Upon his returning to Philemon Paul urges 
him to receive Onesimus back;
but as a new no longer slave...
one who is free.

This is exactly what God did for us when 
he sent Jesus down to us.
Jesus claims to be a slave...God sends
 the love whom he greatly loves.

I am sending him, that is, my own heart...

Here Paul echoes the sentiment 
of God the Father toward his Son, Jesus.
The Sacred Heart of Jesus belongs with the Father.
They are one in the same.

God sends Jesus from the Kingdom
 to be the Kingdom among us.
The Kingdom must be realized first from 
within our own heart.
If we do not find the love within 
then we will completely miss the Kingdom of God.

Every time we act from a place of love
we activate the Kingdom of God.
The Kingdom of God is indeed among us;
flip the switch...activate your heart.

If you cannot represent the Kingdom of God before others
 then you are doomed to a life of 
wandering and searching.

Until the final day when the Kingdom of God is completely
 revealed we must be content with precious morsels.

Perhaps this is why he was away from you for a while,
that you might have him back forever...

God has Blessed us with many of these morsels of his Kingdom.
Taste and see the goodness of the Lord...
His Kingdom satisfies every hungry heart 
one soul at a time.

Are you one of His precious morsels?

You most certainly are.

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