Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, July 13, 2014


Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

~~~ Isaiah 55:10-11 ~~~ Psalm 65 ~~~ Romans 8:18-23 ~~~
~~~Matthew 13:1-23 ~~~ 

The seed that falls on good ground will yield a fruitful harvest.

A young bearded man stands up to exit the light rail, nothing unusual.
But as he approached the doors he tore up two of his tickets
 and threw them on the floor.
Then he tore up and threw more tickets
down on the platform just outside the doors.

He was obviously trying to make some sort of statement,
but was going about it in a very negative manner.

In light of the readings today, concerning seeds,
 I couldn't help but see a connection.
He was sowing his 'seeds' at least he went through the motion.
His message was one of anti community.
For some reason he felt like he was sending a message.
What was the content?
Who was the intended recipient?
There were only a handful of people around
 to even witness what he had done.
He left a mess and disappeared into the environment he was attacking.
What might he do next? In our society I dare not speculate.

The topic of seeds is a recurring throughout the Scriptures.
We hear about the good and the bad seeds, seeds as small as a mustard seed,
seeds that are sown in every type of ground conceivable.

Where are you sowing your seeds?
Have you cultivated them within your heart for a sufficient length of time?
Have you nourished them as a mother nourishes her child?
Have you let the seeds rot within your heart?
Have you let the weeds of your sins choke out the good seeds?

Or do you choose to be one of the new genetically altered fruits
who can no longer generate their own seeds?

Seedless oranges, seedless grapes, and seedless watermelons
are great for the consumer,
but they no longer have the potential to naturally
pass on the genetic material.
The seedless watermelon cannot
 use its seeds to become another watermelon.

Sometimes it seems that we live in a society
 where we are becoming seedless individuals.
We no longer pass on our values, morals, and beliefs.
We let others plant their values, morals, and beliefs into our hearts.

I invite you to keep your seeds alive, cherished and nourished
with the words of the Scriptures.

We are Blessed with all that we need gifted to us through the Holy Spirit.
Bear good fruit by sowing the seeds of love, compassion, and forgiveness.

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