Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, May 1, 2014

No Need for Rationing

~~~ Saint Joseph, the Worker ~~~

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 5:27-33 ~~~ Psalm 34 ~~~ John 3:31-36 ~~~

Just think for a moment; if the elders of the Sanhedrin 
had been able to carry out their plan where would we be today?
The Apostles were so filled with the Spirit
 that there was no chance of getting them to keep quiet.

...the one whom God sent speaks the words of God.

When Jesus left the Apostles for the last time,
he commissioned them to continue delivering
the message he modeled for them.
Now that they were filled with the Holy Spirit
 they simultaneously were charged with confidence.

He does not ration his gift of the Spirit.

We know some of the Apostles better than others,
like Peter, James, John, Judas etc.
but they were all gifted by the Spirit.
Perhaps the elders wanted to impose a sort of rationing
where they were given the greater portion.
These men of God were threatening to take some of their portion.
We can see just how flawed their thinking was then.

This is how the dictionary defines
Ration...allow a person to have a fixed amount of a something.

Typically rations are imposed when there is a shortage of some kind.
The demand is greater than the available provisions.
God never has the need to ration;
he is abundance in all things.

God freely gives the gift of the Spirit to all who come to him.
Man made up the word ration, it does not come from God.
To ration would be totally foreign to him.

He wants to love and forgive without rationing.
We have been given the capacity to keep
on loving no matter what happens.
We also have the capacity to forgive the most heinous
transgressions against us.

Recently I saw a story of great forgiveness.
There was a convicted murderer who was about to be publicly
hung in the town square. 
As you might imagine this was in Iran.
Traditionally a family member comes forward to kick the chair
away thus hanging the convict.
The mother of the victim came forward,
slapped the convict in the face.
She stood there for a moment and to everyone's surprise
she did not kick the chair away.
Instead she reached up and removed the executioners
 noose from his neck.

A ration is a fixed portion...
This woman exhibited way more than a fixed portion of forgiveness
 toward the person who had killed her son.

When you ration something it is doled out in a controlled manner.
God gave everything to the Son who in turn gives us all.

Can you imagine a God who would ration anything?
I cannot.
What if, you were only given
 a certain amount of grace from God?
What if, when you had used
your ration there would be no more?

We might actually be better off today if
our available sugar was rationed.
Perhaps we would have fewer cases of diabetes.

Rations serve a purpose for the military out in the field.
But, when it comes to God, even the word 'ration' has no meaning.

Whatever gifts God gives you,
through the Holy Spirit, will never be depleted.
The more we access these gifts the more abundant they become.

No matter how many people you love
it is impossible to run out of love.

We are Blessed because with God there is no scarcity;
there is no portion control, there is only abundance.
There is no need for rationing.
~~~ Peace ~~~

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