Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Friday, December 6, 2013

Spoken Confirmation

 ~~~ Isaiah 29:17-24 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ Matthew 9:27-31 ~~~
 The Lord is my light and my salvation. 

Two blind men came behind Jesus together.
Being blind they followed from behind so they could
hear where he was walking.
He was leading them while trapped in their darkness,
but they wanted to see the light of day.

These two men even followed Jesus into the house.
They were determined to be heard by Jesus.

“Do you believe that I can do this?”

Jesus questioned their faith before he considered restoring their sight.
He made them proclaim their belief in him.
Their own spoken 'yes' claimed the healing Jesus was about to grant them.
The heard their own words confirming what was in their hearts.
 Jesus gives these two men their sight, but he also
solidifies their faith in him.

Can you imagine how difficult it must have been for these two men?
They were able to see the world for the first time and had to keep it quiet. 

Once you can see how could you pretend nothing had happened?
It is true for us as well, once we have been given
the insight from God we are forever changed.

Blessings come with sight from within...
Jesus gives us in-sight to see more clearly
which in turn shows us how merciful
 and compassionate he is toward us.

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