Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

His Words

~~~Memorial of Saint Gregory the Great~~~
~~~Pope and Doctor of the Church~~~
~~~1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, 9-11 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ Luke 4:31-37 ~~~
"What is there about his word?"
Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert.
He returned after his time of prayer, fasting, and solitude
filled even more with the Spirit.

Jesus brings in his spoken words life, love, healing, compassion, truth,
justice, forgiveness, peace, abundance, happiness, correction...
The list could continue on longer.
Jesus never delivers a message of hate through his words.

I truly believe there was something very unique about even the tone
and quality of the voice of Jesus. 
Men followed him just by hearing the sound of his invitation.
Crowds gathered just to hear the words he offered them.

Demons recognized the Spirit of God cloaked in his words.
Yet there are so many today who make the choice to ignore his words...
to distort his misinterpret his words.

His words are always from the source...God the Father...
Jesus, the Word made flesh.
 We who strive to hear his words more clearly,
 have then the responsibility to let them influence the words we speak.
...encourage one another and build one another up,
as indeed you do.

The words we speak to one another do make a difference.
Words of encouragement are much sweeter to the ears
than words of ridicule.

The words of Jesus have the power to heal and to cast out demons.
Jesus was 'the word' made flesh.
His words carry more of everything there is about God.

How are you letting the power of the words of Jesus
guide and lead you in your life?
Today allow God to bless you with his words.
His words are Spirit and Life.
May the peace of Jesus be with you.
Gregory the Great is known for his contributions
to the Liturgy of the Mass.
What we know as Gregorian Chant is attributed to Gregory the Great.

Saint Gregory the Great, pray for us.

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