Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Seeing Others as They Ought to Be

~~~ Genesis 41:55-57; 42:5-7a, 17-24a ~~~ Psalm 33 ~~~ Matthew 10:1-7 ~~~
'The Kingdom of heaven is at hand.'
Surely the kingdom of heaven was evident through the hands of Jesus.
Each miracle of healing...every word of mercy and compassion
 he was bringing the kingdom of heaven to Earth.
We pray in the Our Father...
thy kingdom it is in heaven...
Can we deliver a piece of the kingdom of heaven today?
I believe this is exactly what we are called to do.
In the first reading today we have the familiar story of Joseph.
His brothers opted to sell into slavery instead of killing him out of their jealousy.
We find the tables have turned and the brothers are in need of their brother's help.
They are in danger of starving and it Joseph who can make the difference.
Joseph finds in his heart the goodness
to bring a piece of the kingdom of heaven
down to his corner of the world.
Joseph was in a position of power. He could have exercised revenge on his brothers.
He could have given them what they rightfully deserved life in prison,
but Joseph found goodness in his heart.
The Kingdom of Heaven is always about finding goodness.
The Kingdom of Heaven is pure love.
The Kingdom of Heaven is following the will of the Father.
Pharaoh directed all the Egyptians to go to Joseph
and do whatever he told them.
I found some curious parallels in this story between Joseph and Jesus.
At the wedding of Cana
 Mary tells the servants 'to do whatever he tells you'
referring to Jesus.
Here we have Pharaoh telling the Egyptians to do whatever Joseph tells them.
Joseph shares some of the same Jesus qualities.
It is Joseph who opened up the grain reserves for 'the whole world'.
It is Joseph who feeds the thousands...including his own brothers.
The very brothers who were willing to end his life.
Joseph conceals his identity from his brothers and locks them up for three days.
For three days they were confined to a prison cell.
Jesus was raised form the dead after three days.
The brothers have time to reflect on their guilt for the crimes against Joseph.
to be continued...
"God has to have two pictures of us:
one is what we are and the other is what we ought to be."
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen
The World's First Love
By the grace of God, Joseph is able to see what his brothers
ought to be while they stand before him as they are.
Lord, let your mercy be on us...
The blessings today come through our ability
 to see others as they ought to be;
this is one way we can bring the Kingdom of Heaven to others.

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