Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Instruction and Recollection by the HS

~~~ Sixth Sunday of Easter ~~~
~~Acts of the Apostles 15:1-2, 22-29~~Psalm 67~~Rev 21:10-14, 22-23~~John 14:23-29~~
With Pentecost only a few weeks away,
we are beginning to more emphasis on the workings of the Holy Spirit in our readings.
We are being reminded that the Holy Spirit was sent down from God.
This is the same Holy Spirit that comes down to us today.
The Advocate, the Holy Spirit,
whom the Father will send in my name,
will teach you everything
and remind you of all that I told you.
The Father sends down the Holy Spirit on behalf of Jesus,
because he willed it to be done.
The power of the Holy Spirit is that even after Jesus
is no longer physically teaching his followers,
 the Holy Spirit does continue teaching.
I hope you have seen evidence of the workings
of the Holy Spirit throughout your own life.
Every time you have one of those 'AHA' moments
while reading or hearing the scriptures.
That is the Holy Spirit.
Each time something you hear in a homily that makes you pause;
thing it was meant just for you.
That is the Holy Spirit.
But then we hear that the Holy Spirit has another role in our spiritual life.
The Holy Spirit comes to remind us of everything that Jesus
preached while he was here.
In other words do not be anxious about not being able to remember
everything you hear or read about God.
The Holy Spirit will gently remind you of the words of Jesus.
It may be a subtle thought that comes into your heart just when you need it.
The right words come to you to share with a person in need or troubled.
The Holy Spirit is our personal Advocate...
the Holy Spirit is for you and me.
The Holy Spirit is alive and with us now in 2013.
Open your heart; for the power of the Holy Spirit is coming very soon.
Let yourself fully experience the Pentecost experience
by preparing today.
May you be blessed with a welcoming heart.
The Easter Blessing of the residing presence of the Holy Spirit.

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