Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Come, O Wisdom, Come

~~~ Fourth Sunday of Advent ~~~
~~~Micah 1:1-4a~~Psalm 80~~Hebrews 10:5-10~~Luke 1: 39-45~~~
Greatness will come forth from the small and lowly.
One too small to have its own clan will be the birthing place
of one who's origin is ancient.
I have visited the giant ancient redwoods of the West coast and they are very impressive. The tower so high into the sky that you cannot see the tops.
Their trunks are so massive that a road can be carved out of the middle.
Ancient has to do with the passage of time, but in this scenario
ancient is referring to an infant.
"...his greatness
shall reach to the ends of the earth;
he shall be peace..."
The infant Christ child.
The Ancient One embodies the wisdom of the ages.
Even as a child Jesus carried with him great wisdom.
Wisdom brought with him from the Father.
Jesus came first to do the will of the Father.
"...And how does this happen to me,
that the mother of my Lord should come to me?"
Let this question echo in our hearts
as the words were spoken by Elizabeth.
Mary not only brought forth Love and Mercy into our world
she also brought the ancient Wisdom of God.
Jesus is the complete gift.
He satisfies every need.
He, Jesus, should be all we want for Christmas...
a greater intimacy with the Ancient One
born into this world as an infant...
The Word made flesh.
Blessed is She among women...
filled with Grace...
She gave birth to a Son.
Come, O Wisdom, Come!
Dwell among us.
Live with us!

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