Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Squeaky Wheel

~~~ 3John 5-8 ~~~ Psalm 112 ~~~ Luke 18:1-8 ~~~
We all are familiar with the saying...
the squeaky wheel gets the attention...
Today Jesus is giving us a parable that seems to support
this saying with one minor twist...
becomes the squeaky wheel.
He tells the story of the woman who repeatedly approached
the irreligious atheistic judge until at last he granted her request.
"...pray always without becoming weary..."
This example encourages us to come to God as frequently
as we can with our prayers.
The poor woman was not deterred by the judge's apparent disinterest.
She was not discouraged by his lack of consideration for her dilemma.
If in the end, this ordinary human judge did hear the woman;
so much more is God inclined to hear our prayers.
"...Will not God then secure the rights of his chosen ones
who call out to him day and night?"
Sending up our prayers day and night should not be like
the whining of a spoiled child.
Our unceasing prayers should be an experience
of our belief in God's love.
Our prayers should be a sign of our faith and hope
in the wisdom of God.
The more we pray the stronger our faith will become,
because if we do not have faith in God
then we will eventually stop praying.
If we do not pray in faith our prayers
are nothing more than a clanging gong.
If we are not praying in faith we are wasting precious time.
"...But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth?"
It is up to each of us to exercise and revive our faith through our prayers.
I am not suggesting that you set aside hours every day to recite
all of the rote prayers in your head.
I am, however, suggesting that you make the intention to
make your life one of prayer.
If we make the intention to live in prayer then
engaging in conversation with God throughout our day will become
a natural occurance.
 Be the Squeaky Wheel.

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