Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What is There about His Word?

~~~ 1 Cor 2:10b-16 ~~~ Psalm 145 ~~~Luke 4:31-37 ~~~
We see Jesus in the temple, but he is now in a town of Galilee, Capernaum.
Once again the other Jewish officials were astonished at his teaching
because he spoke with authority.
They did not know just how much authority he had.
 They did not know that his authority had come from God the Father.
His words alone could command the evil spirits to evacuate themselves.
The evil spirits themselves recognized his authority.
"...Have you come to destroy us?
I know who you are--the Holy One of God!"
The demon within the man obeyed the words of Jesus.
"Be quiet! Come out of him!"
When one is possessed by a demon it is exhausting.
The demon saps all of the available energy from its host.
Evil is a parasite it lives off of the spirit energy of the person.
When evil consumes you 
you have no energy left to combat its effects.
Jesus uses his words to calm the demon and
when it leaves the man is thrust to the ground.
The demons did not harm the man, but he collapsed as they fled.
The power of the words of Jesus
is such that he only needs to speak a few at a time.
He does not need to convince the demon to leave;
he just wills it to be done by his few words.
The demon was concerned about being destroyed by Jesus,
the Holy One.
Jesus does not destroy the demon
he sends it away.
The demon is cast out to be alone.
He has lost his comfortable host.
In the man the demon could act out his evilness upon others.
Through the actions of this unsuspecting man
the demon could spread his desires to harm others.
Jesus still works this way today among us
it is just not as easily detected.
People today are still healed.
It only takes a few words from Jesus.
His words are life and spirit.
Paul says we too have been given the Spirit of God.
"...We have not received the spirit of the world
but the Spirit who is from God..."
Jesus spoke words filled with the Spirit.
We too can tap into the Spirit of the Lord that resides
deep within our being.
Our difficulty is that we must believe
that the power of the spirit
 is alive within us.
We come to believe through practice and praying words with conviction.
Practice believing the Spirit of God is alive within you.
Sincerely pray the words given to us by God.
As soon as you detect or even suspect the demons are near
send them away with the words of Jesus.
"Be Quiet!"
Do not be distracted from going good in each situation
you find yourself in today.
Lord, grant me the strength to keep the Spirit within alive.

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