Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Saturday, August 25, 2012

God's Glory...Beyond Brilliance

~~~ Ez 43: 1-7ab ~~~ Psalm 85 ~~~ Matthew 23: 1-12 ~~~
The glory of the Lord shines brighter than we can comprehend.
The glory of the Lord encompasses with a vastness we have never seen.
"...the earth shone with his glory..."
The glory of the Lord flows freely across the land.
The glory of the Lord travels encountering no obstacles.
The glory of the Lord will dwell in our land.
There is only one Lord who can radiate such glory.
There is only one Father...
There is only one Rabbi...
There is only one Teacher...
There is only one Master...
We may be impressed by what we hear from those would be teachers.
We may be fooled by their majestic garments, and pompous demeanors,
but there is only One who's presence is seen as visible light.
A light so bright that we must have a unique word
just to describe its brilliance...
The impostors among us love places of honor at banquets
"All their works are performed to be seen."
Even in their synagogues they relish at being seated in places of honor
where all present see that they are important and influential.
As we have come to understand Jesus
turns everything upside down
with his lessons.
They are foreign to what has been the norm before his coming.
Jesus claims that those who are truly great will be dressed to impress others.
Jesus instead says to be truly great you must be a servant to others.
"...The greatest among you must be your servant.
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled;
but whoever humbles himself will be exalted."
I can just imagine how offended and resentful the
'masters'...'rabbis'...and 'teachers' must have been
when presented with this concept.
Jesus cautions his followers to not imitate the actions of these
mislead leaders.
They are filled with their own ego.
When your ego supercedes everything else you cannot
be about the work of the Lord.
We must all be humbled before the glory of the Lord.
To witness the glory of the Lord will truly cause us to be struck with
such wonder and awe that we
will collapse to the ground in its presence.
We will know without a doubt that this glory is coming from the Lord.
For not even the light from the sun will compare to this
divine glory.
The glory from the Lord will not be a hot fiery glory.
The glory of the Lord will be one of powerful overwhelming Love.
There will be no question that it is coming not only from the Lord,
but with the his presence.
When the glory of the Lord is revealed
it will be capable of scooping us up to become one with it.
Of course this is pure speculation on my part so you may have
a different point of view, which is fine as well.
Help me, Lord, to be ready to receive your glory
when it is revealed to me.
Perhaps at the hour of our death the light so many people
claim to see is only a tiny speck of the full spectrum of God's glory.

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