Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Easter Light

~~~ Easter Sunday~~~
~~~ Acts of the Apostles 10:34A, 37-43 ~~~ Psalm 118 ~~~
~~~ Colossians 3:1-4 ~~~ John 20:1-9 ~~~

This is the day the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad.

The Light we seek is the 
Light of the Glory of the Resurrection.
We long for this light...we desire its illumination...
we hope to claim it for our eternity.

The Risen Jesus is the blinding glory
of the salvation promise.

Allow all the Glory of the Resurrection
envelope you...allow it to cleanse you.
Bask in this Glory of the Resurrection
for this is our hope.

We hope to one day to be joined 
with Jesus in all of his Light.

The tomb is empty.
The Light of the Resurrection fills all.
The tomb simply appears to be empty. 
The physical body of Jesus is no longer needed.

Jesus is now present to us in the Eucharist
each time we come to His table.
We approach to receive a sliver of His Resurrected entity.

A sliver, a fracture is all it takes to share
 in the experience of His Resurrection.

Allow the Easter Light 
of His Resurrection be enough to heal
your heart, body, and soul.

God is enough...
He always was...always is...always will be.

Easter is all the evidence I need
to believe in life everlasting.

This is the day the Lord has made; 
let us rejoice and be glad.

Roll back the stone from your heart.
Shed the ritual burial garments.
Soak in the light of the presence of the glory 
of the Resurrection.

Alleluia, Alleluia!
Light has overcome the darkness.

There is no greater gift...

Love does indeed conquer all.

~~~Easter Blessings~~~

Friday, April 14, 2017

The Foot of the Cross

~~~Good Friday~~~
~~~Isaiah 52:13—53:12 ~~~ Psalm 31 ~~~
~~~ Hebrews 4:14-16; 5:7-9 ~~~ John 18:1—19:42 ~~~

As frightening as it is we cannot 
hang back with the crowd chanting "Crucify Him".
We cannot wash our hands in the bowl beside Pilate.

Did you stand by watching as they carefully formed
 the thorn branch into a crown?

Did you hide in the darkness
as Jesus suffered the Agony in the Garden?
Could you hear his spoken words to the Father?
Did you climb onto the rooftop as He carried 
the cross down your street?

At the Foot of the Cross 
it all comes together...all the pain...all the agony...
all the mercy...all the love.

Will you join the Blessed Mother,
 Mary and the beloved disciple at the Foot of the Cross?

Standing by the cross of Jesus were his mother
and his mother's sister, Mary the wife of Clopas,
and Mary of Magdala.

We must place ourselves with heartfelt 
sorrow at the Foot of the Cross.
We must gather up the courage 
to make our appearance...
to take our place
 at the Foot of the Cross. 

It is here at the Foot of the Cross 
where we can join our tears with His precious blood. 

It is here at the Foot of the Cross where we
 can seek His unconditional mercy...
His deep healing forgiveness.

It is at the Foot of the Cross
where we can look up into the face of Our Lord Jesus Christ
 and admit to our personal sinfulness.

It is at the Foot of the Cross
where we can shed the illusion of who we pretend to be.

It is at the Foot of the Cross
where we can open our heart surrendering to
 the great love that can only come from Him.

Come to the Foot of the Cross...
Hope overcomes fear.
Faith surpasses our doubts.
Love conquers Death.

Mingle your tears with His drops of blood.
Together he makes you into a more 
compassionate person.

Blessings and Peace
at the Foot of the Cross.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

100% Human 100% Divine

~~~ Palm...Passion...Sunday ~~~ 

~~~ Isaiah 50:4-7 ~~~ Psalm 22 ~~~ Philippians 2:6-11 ~~~
~~~ Matthew 26:14—27:66 ~~~

Christ Jesus, though he was in the form of God,
did not regard equality with God
something to be grasped.
Rather, he emptied himself,
taking the form of a slave,
coming in human likeness;
and found human in appearance...

Today we were blessed with a wonderful homily 
on the person of Jesus.
It is fitting for us to reflect in a special way
 on the words of Saint Paul in his letter to the Philippians.

Do you look at the labels on the inside of your clothes?
I do. For some odd reason I find it interesting to know
 the percentages of the different fibers.
Some are 100% cotton or 100% polyester.
But many of my items of clothing 
are combinations of two or more fibers.

I like the feel of fabric with a small percent of spandex.
It just feels more comfortable.
 Five or ten percent spandex or nylon
 is just the right amount.

We believe that Jesus is both Divine and human
 but we tend to want to put a percentage on each.

Have you ever asked yourself when he 
was acting as his human self 
or when he was acting as his Divine self?

Consider when his friend Lazarus died.
Jesus wept when he heard the news...
that was clearly human. Right?
When he stood at the entrance and called 
for Lazarus to come out...
that was clearly Divine. Right?

This example seems pretty easy to understand.

He advanced a little and fell prostrate in prayer, saying, 
"My Father, if it is possible,
let this cup pass from me;
yet, not as I will, but as you will."

As we picture Jesus in the garden praying
 we see his humanity and his divinity for a moment, 
almost in turmoil.

He enters the garden to pray fully knowing 
the physical suffering that awaited him.
His humanity is fully engaged as he contemplates
 his most certain agony.

He calls out to the father...maybe there is another
 option here for our salvation.
Within the same thought his divine 
connection breaks through...
yet, not as I will, but as you will.

He reaches out to his Father...his 
Divine connection for strength.

He needs to draw upon
 his Divine Connection with the Father,
because he is fully human...

We tend to forget that Jesus was not 
10% human and 90% Divine.
He was 100% human and 100% Divine at the same time.

He came down from heaven to save us.
He left his heaven where all is perfect in the Trinity.

He came down and fully embraced his 
humanity to become one of us.
He experienced all of our human emotions,
 joy, sorrow, and pain;
 to name just a few.

So when he calls out from the cross...
it is humanity that cries out
but it is his Divinity that surrenders 
to the pain and agony out of love for us.

Jesus was granted the strength and the stamina
to withstand the horrific pain and agony of the crucifixion
precisely because of his Divinity.

We see something similar in our martyrs.
They of course are fully human but,
they have developed a strong divine connection.

This connection gives them the strength and the grace
 to remain faithful even unto their death.

And about three o'clock Jesus cried
 out in a loud voice, 
"Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?"which means, 
"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?

Within moments of his calling out to the Father
Jesus gave up his spirit.
He surrendered all of his humanity back to the Father
as he took his final breath.

Jesus surrendered his human self so that 
we might have a part in his eternal life.

There is no way that we, as humans, 
can express enough gratitude.

May we strive every day 
to come closer to loving Jesus 100%.

May the Passion of our Lord Jesus
call you to surrender your heart to him.


Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Handiwork of the Devil

~~~ Deuteronomy 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 ~~~ 
~~~ Psalm 23 ~~~ John 8:1-11 ~~~

Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; 
for you are at my side.

The two stories from these readings
 so beautifully complement one another.

The first reading features Susanna, 
who was wrongfully accused of adultery.
Her accusers were ready to pick up their stones 
and pummel her to death with them.

She was definitely plunged into the dark valley.
Two men came forward claiming they had seen 
her in the garden with another man. 
Ultimately they were proven to be lying
when questioned by Daniel
 by their own conflicting information.

If you decide to lie you risk the power of truth.
If you lie you eventually erode more
 and more good from your heart. 

These two accusers lost touch with how their lies 
would impact their own lives.
God came to the side of Susanna;
she was found innocent.

Deception is always the handiwork of the devil.
Deception by design masks truth and beauty.
Deception is like taking a black marker and scribbling
 on something that would otherwise be clear.

The gospel brings us the woman caught in adultery.
She is thrown down into the dirt right at the feet of Jesus.
These accusers claim to have caught her in the act.

While we know their goal was to trick Jesus
we do not know if they were hiding half of the truth.

What if they set up this woman?
Could they have paid a man to seduce her
for the prime purpose of catching her in the 'act'? 

Unlike Susanna this nameless woman
was brought directly to Jesus.
He was to be her judge.
He was the one who would pass the
judgement for her to be stoned.

Her accusers were not expecting Jesus
 to turn the tables on them.

Instead giving the green light for this poor woman
 to be stoned to death he writes in the sand.
Whatever Jesus wrote in the sand that day resulted
in the elders quickly and quietly turning away.

Suddenly they no longer wanted
to stick around for the customary stoning.

Even though I walk in the dark valley I fear no evil; 
for you are at my side.

This woman too was walking in the dark valley.
She too feared for her life as she knelt in the dirt.
She trembled with anticipation of the
first stone to pelt her bare skin.

Instead she heard the voice of Jesus...
"Let the one among you who is without sin 
be the first to throw a stone at her."

Who among you is without sin?

As we approach Holy Week I invite you to take
one last examination of conscience.
Maybe you can hold a stone and meditate
on the words of Jesus from this Gospel.

Then Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you.
Go, and from now on do not sin any more."

From now on do not sin any more...
it is never too late to begin again.
Jesus offers words of mercy and encouragement.

Jesus walks in the dark valley with you.
He is slow to anger abundant in grace.
You are never alone.
