Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Monday, June 30, 2014


~~~ Amos 2:6-10, 13-16 ~~~ Psalm 50 ~~~ Matthew 8:18-22 ~~~

Two consider their option to follow Jesus. 
They both recognize him as a great teacher,
 but their initial response is different.

When Jesus invites us to follow him; it is not like one 
of those high pressure deals.
Jesus invites, but it is up to each person
 as to how and when they respond.
For some people it may take a lifetime to respond,
others accept the invitation immediately.

Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.

Is it enough simply to follow Jesus?
Is that the only requirement?
Are there any responsibilities for the follower?
If we only follow we are just like the sheep in the field.
Just following does not necessarily imply accepting the responsibility
Only our words and actions give evidence of what we believe.

Lord, let me go first and bury my father.

Perhaps this person was more honest.
He wanted to follow, but he had personal issues.
He first needed to find in his heart a way
 to fully commit himself to following Jesus.
Maybe we should not judge him harshly...he was torn between following
 Jesus and leaving his former life behind.

Jesus was not a high pressure salesman.
He extended the opportunity to come with him
 and then he continued moving on toward his mission.

Sometimes we get confused as to where our loyalty truly lies.
Jesus is the only one who really matters, 
but we are heavily influenced by the world in which we live.

The psalm today implies the it takes discipline to follow Jesus.
The discipline to make the right choices.
The discipline to understand that following Jesus
 does not mean you are turning away from your other commitments.

Jesus is all or nothing, 
following him takes precedence over everything else. 

God wants us to put everything in our life under his umbrella.
God covers us with his mercy, love, compassion, and forgiveness.
If we embrace all that is of God we can follow him
without sacrificing the love and needs of our loved ones.

Following Jesus is exclusive and inclusive together at the same time
Blessed to hear the invitation to follow Jesus.
Blessed to see this invitation as both
 exclusive and inclusive.

His invitation to follow is exclusive to you...
following him is inclusive in how we live the message.

Sunday, June 29, 2014


~~~ Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles ~~~
~~~Acts of the Apostles 12:1-11 ~~Psalm 34~~~ 
~~~ 2 Timothy 4:6-8, 17-18 ~~~ Matthew 16:13-19 ~~~

Wrongfully imprisoned, rescued by an angel of the Lord,
committed to spreading the words of God's mercy and love.

Saints Peter and Paul had much in common,
yet they were two very different men.
Peter was blessed to walk along side of Jesus, to share
the breaking of the bread with him.
Peter loved Jesus tremendously and still crumbled
 into a state of denial. He could not admit even knowing Jesus.

Peter was released from his prison cell
when the angel came along with the bright light.
He even had time to grab his cloak before fleeing.

By contrast, when Paul was in prison and his chains fell to the ground,
he remained. He was to convert the prison guard and his family.

I have competed well; I have finished the race;
I have kept the faith.

If it were not for the lives and actions of Peter and Paul
the whole life of the message of Jesus
might not have survived into the today.

These two men were among the most influential people;
 we remember with gratitude today.

The Lord will rescue me from every evil threat
and will bring me safe to his heavenly Kingdom.

The Lord did indeed rescue them
from the snares of the evil one, even as they faced death.
He brought them into his kingdom to remain with him forever.
They were good and faithful servants of the Lord.
They ran the good race. They are now able to be advocates for all of us.

They were confident of the answer to Jesus' question,
 “But who do you say that I am?”

They knew who Jesus was with every fiber of their being.
They were willing to endure great trials
 and tribulations for their conviction.

We do not need to be like Peter or Paul to be convicted in our faith.
We must, however, know how to answer
this question posed by Jesus.
We need to know who Jesus is, not only to us
 but for the whole world.

How can we complete the good race if we cannot answer the question?
This question is not rhetorical it does require an answer.
Our answer, not the answer of Peter or Paul
or the answer of our friends and family.

No one can speak on your behalf
in response to who YOU say Jesus is...
this is personal and private.

Saints Peter and Paul we thank you
 for believing in Jesus and his message.
May we be blessed with the courage and strength to continue each day.
May we be able to say at the end of our life...
we did run the good race...
we kept the faith...
we were rescued from every evil threat.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

A Mother's Heart

~~~ Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary ~~~
~~~ Lamentations 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 ~~~ Psalm 74 ~~~ Luke 2:41-51 ~~~

Jesus is lost in the temple,
everyone in the family is looking for him.
And just like a typical kid, Jesus says,
Why were you looking for me?
Jesus knew he was a fine, safe even,
but Mary and Joseph did not know.

Mary's heart aches for her son.
The heart of the Blessed Mother was tempered
from the beginning with great joy and intense sorrow.

"Your father and I have been looking
for you with great anxiety. "

She says this right after she asks him
why have you done this to us. 
Again just like a typical kid...
Jesus did not DO this to them it was just the way things played out.
Jesus did not intentionally seek to cause anguish
for his parents, but it happened.

Why didn't Jesus just tell Mary and Joseph
 it was time for him to speak in the temple?
Did he think they would have refused to let him?
Was he just being insensitive to their feelings?

Did you not know that I must be in my father's house?

Had young Jesus just realized his sole purpose...
to do the will of the Father...God? 

Mary had to accept that her young son was about to begin
 his own journey of life.
She had to begin to let go of her little boy.

Do you think she was ready to let him go?
When is a mother ready to trust
that a child will be alright out in the world? 

Mary had to trust deep within her heart that God the Father
 would now be the one looking after their son.
This may not have been easy to do.
Once again she would surrender to
God's plan...God's will. 

Mary silently kept many things in her heart.
She pondered over them.
She prayed for peace.
She prayed for strength.
She held them close.
She held them dear.
She cherished every minute
she had with Jesus;
just as any mother would.

We can always go to Mary,
because she is the mother of Jesus.
She has an intimate and unique
relationship with him.
She can teach us how to love him better.
She can speak to him on our behalf.

Loving Mary is the most wonderful thing we can do.
We have so much to learn from Mary
about Jesus.

Mary understands when we have questions.
Mary knows what it means to have a suffering heart.
Mary knows the challenge of letting your child go.

Mary has a heart overflowing with love.
Mary knows the blessings from Jesus
are life sustaining.

Mother Mary, pray for us
now and at the time of our death.

Friday, June 27, 2014

Come to Me...

~~~ Most Sacred Heart of Jesus ~~~
~~~ Deuteronomy 7:6-11 ~~~ Psalm 103 ~~~ 1 John 4:7-16 ~~~ 
~~~ Matthew 11:25-30 ~~~

...the LORD set his heart on you and chose you...
God wants to shower you with his blessings.
We have wedding showers to honor and give gifts to the engaged couple.
We have baby showers to give gifts to the unborn child.

...because the LORD loved you...
God loves us so much he wants to shower us with
a continual outpouring of blessings.
The Lord loves us so much that he gives us his heart
 and we take it for granted.
We might even expect him to love us no matter what we do.

God is love, and whoever remains in love
remains in God and God in him.
God does love us unconditionally,
but we must chose to remain in his love...
we must chose to remain in him.
God knows nothing else besides love, even when he is passing judgement.
He loves in mercy, he loves in justice, he loves in forgiveness,
he loves in joy peace and happiness.
There is no time when God is not loving you.

"Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened,
and I will give you rest..."

God's loving heart invites us to come away with him.
His love can give us the rest our soul searches for.
We each have our burdens to bear and God knows this;
 he also knows that if we bring our burdens to him
he can make them seem lighter.
The perception of our burdens will make them weigh less.
If our burdens are less cumbersome we can get more rest.

Bless the LORD, O my soul; and forget not all his benefits.

Jesus is reaching out his hand to you.
Can you picture this image?
It is real. He does not want you to suffer, especially
if there is no need for it.

Jesus says...
Come to me...and I will give you rest.
Not someone else, but Jesus himself will give
you the rest you need.
The Lord set his heart on you
 and showers you with blessings of rest.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fill in the Empty Space

~~~ 2 Kings 24:8-17 ~~~ Psalm 79 ~~~ Matthew 7:21-29 ~~~

...Everyone who listens to these words of mine and acts on them
will be like a wise man who built his house on rock.

Jesus says we must listen to his words and act on them.
If want to use any electrical appliance you must first plug it into the outlet.
If both prongs of the plug are not properly and securely engaged
in the power outlet the appliance does not work.

It is impossible to act on something without first listening.
It is through the listening that we are able to determine
 what action should be taken.

Previously Jesus warns of listening to false prophets.
If we listen to the wrong message our actions get misguided.
If our actions are misguided for too long
we eventually become disoriented.

Jesus is saying your actions do speak louder than your words to me.
You can preach and proclaim; you can even prophesy
but it doesn't matter if you do not act accordingly.

If you speak of mercy or equality and your actions
 are more about anger and prejudice,
then what is the point of saying anything?
You would be better off just going
 about your business and not saying anything at all.
I am sure I said this before, but you cannot fool God
 with what comes out of your mouth.

He is looking for the evidence that the words
are truly part of the real you...
not the you you pretend to be with your words.

There is a font that is just the outline of the letters,
 the inside is empty and hollow.
This same font has the option of being filled with an image.
This might be something to consider next time before you speak.

Are the letters of your words empty and hollow?
 Is the space within each letter filled with images of the actions you take?
Which would you choose?

Our actions speak loudly about who we really are.
Our actions are witnessed even when we do not say one word.

What do your actions say about who you really are?

Blessed to have the opportunity to fill each letter of every word
 with beautiful images of God's love toward others.
Don't allow the letters of your words to remain empty;
fill them in with your actions.
It will be so wonderful.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Lost and Found

~~~ 2 Kings 22:8-13; 23:1-3 ~~~ Psalm 119 ~~~ Matthew 7:15-20 ~~~

By their fruits you will know them.

After a disaster such as a storm, a war,
or a terrorist attack like 9/11, personal possessions get lost.
As time goes by those items found are often brought to a central place;
 held there until they are claimed.
People come to treasure whatever is recovered in the rubble.
No matter what scars the tragedy has left on these items they are keepsakes.

This is what we hear about in the second of Kings today.
There has been a time of wars; many things
have been destroyed and misplaced.
One such item is the special document
 containing the words of the covenant with God.
“I have found the book of the law in the temple of the LORD.”
Hilkiah and Shaphan quickly inform the King of their great find.

The King in turn is overjoyed, so he calls everyone together 
so he can report to them. 
The King does more than just give a speech instead 
he has the entire found book read aloud to the people.

The King promises to joyfully keep all of the statutes
set forth in the recovered covenant book.
...reviving the terms of the covenant...
...all the people stood as participants in the covenant.

Finding this book was reason enough to re-ignite
 their commitment to the Lord.
What was lost had been found...
The King surely believed the book to have been destroyed
 or to have fallen into enemy hands.

It was the Lord who led the workers to discover this book
 containing the words of the covenant.
It was the Lord who placed on the heart
of the King to make the book public.
First it was the King who said
 they should follow all that was written in the book.
The King could have chosen to dismiss
 the find, claiming that it was too old and no longer applied.

By their fruits you will know them.
The King wanted to do the right thing.
He was a God-fearing ruler.
His people followed his lead
on the belief that the covenant should be kept.

On this day, at least, the King's decision
 was able to bear good fruit.
He brought the people together in celebration
 of the finding of the covenant.
He vowed to abide
by the words of the Lord.

Have you lost something of your connection with the Lord?
Are you bearing good fruit?
Are you trying to get something from the wrong source?
Have you allowed yourself to be fooled?

The 'lost and found' in your heart holds the truth.
If you cannot find it God will send
someone to help you...
he always does.

Sometimes things are found
before we even realize we have lost them.

Blessings come from what has been found.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

You Knew My Soul

~~~  Nativity of Saint John the Baptist ~~~
~~~Isaiah 49:1-6 ~~Psalm 139~~ Acts of the Apostles 13:22-26~~~
~~~ Luke 1:57-66, 80 ~~~

My soul also you knew full well...

I have read Psalm 139 hundreds of times,
 but today these few words 
were as if I was hearing them for the very first time.

This is one of my favorite psalms...
praising God for the wondrous way that he made you and me.
His handy work is awesome.
Every part of our existence intimately and carefully created.
We are not engineered from an assembly line in a factory.
We have been created by God to be unique...
there is no one else like you,
no one else like me.
Even with identical twins there will be a slight difference.

What strikes me most today are those which are written about our soul.
I have believed for some time that before 
we ever came into this world we knew God.

My soul also you knew full well

If God knew my soul, then surely 
my soul must have had some connection with God

When it came time for Elizabeth and Zachariah
 to name the baby, they never thought they would have,
John was the chosen name.

“There is no one among your relatives who has this name.”

This child could not be named after any other relative,
because he would have a most unique role to play
 in the salvation of mankind.
He was the one sent to announce
 the arrival of the Messiah.

John, was the one who walked Jesus into the waters of the Jordan River.
John plunged Jesus into the waters baptizing him before others.
John was more than just a cousin to Jesus 
he was the opening act.
John cut the path...
John laid down the seeds of hope.
John made it possible for us to believe that Jesus was one of us...
while all the time knowing he was from heaven.

The birth of John opened the door 
for us to receive abundant Blessings from Jesus.

Blessed to be wonderfully made...
Blessed knowing...
my soul was known by God before I was born.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Alter Your Vision

~~~ 2 Kings 17:5-8, 13-15A, 18 ~~~ Psalm 60 ~~~ Matthew 7:1-5 ~~~

...then you will see clearly...

It is so easy to think that we see clearly
 when in reality our vision is greatly distorted.
They way we see the world, including our neighbors,
is a combination of many elements.
Some of these components come from our childhood,
some from our friends, and some from our personal experiences.

Seeing clearly is unique to each individual.
When our glasses are dirty we cannot see clearly.
When the wind shield of our car is dirty we cannot see clearly.
So it is also true with our inner sight;
if it is 'dirty' we cannot see clearly.

Today Jesus says...look at yourself before judging anyone else.
Because whatever is inside of you is affecting your vision of others.

There are so many ways now to alter a photograph
 that it is no longer completely true.
In the past a photo was a captured moment in time.
Famous photographers, like Getty, earn money on the images
 they capture with their camera.
Now you have to wonder how much of the picture is real
and how much has been altered.
There are tools, soft ware products apps
 that can greatly change the look of the image.

So how can we alter our vision?
You cannot be more gentle on yourself than on your neighbor.
If you overlook something about yourself
then you should be willing to overlook it in your neighbor.

If you see yourself in the light of truth with cleaned sight then
you will be more apt to view your neighbor with the same compassion.

Judging others is presuming you are better.
Judging others is assuming you know their circumstances.
Judging others places you in the brightest spot light.

Just you judge so shall you be judged.
When you catch yourself in the judgement mode of operation stop
and reflect on your own failings and shortcomings.

We all have our individual struggles.
Some find it more difficult to escape from them than others.
To see your own Blessings first clean the lens
 through which you are looking.
Remove the debris from your field of vision.
If you can only see the faults of others you need to
clear your field of vision...
Zoom into your own heart for a clearer picture.
Only God is given the position to judge.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

...For the Life of the World

~~~ Corpus Christi Sunday ~~~

~~Deuteronomy 8:2-3, 14B-16A ~~Psalm 147~~ 1 Corinthians 10:16-17~~
~~~  John 6:51-58 ~~~

God let the people experience the pangs of hunger
 to teach them there was something more.
...not by bread alone does one live,
but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of the LORD.

God is saying it does not matter how much food
 you stuff into your belly if you are not listening to the Lord.
Eating may be necessary and even pleasurable.
but it will not last forever.

God sends down the Son with words of everlasting life.
Jesus came to give us true food and true drink 
that could only come from him.
His is the body and blood for the whole world.
He gave his body and blood 
to feed the world.

 ...for the life of the world.

For your life and for my life.
He gives everlasting food.
Food and drink that sustains us through eternity.
His flesh and blood sacrificed to become our food and drink.

Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood
remains in me and I in him. 

Jesus says he will be with us til the end of time.
He cannot get any closer to us 
than when we receive his precious body 
and blood in Holy Communion.
He gives himself up for us at every Mass.
He gives us himself in a most intimate manner...
he literally comes into our body.

Each time you receive Eucharist Jesus is more than present;
he becomes a part of you.
You become a living tabernacle for his body and blood.

How do you treat your body as his dwelling place?
Each Mass gives you time to prepare your soul for his arrival.

He reveals himself to us 
through his words in the Scriptures.
He reveals himself further
 during the prayers of consecration.

He reminds us we are about to receive his body and blood.
This is my body...this is my blood...
given to us in fulfillment of his everlasting covenant.

He will never leave us...
He makes himself available to us.
I hope you always take advantage
 of his presence in receiving the Eucharist.

Never take it for granted; he lives inside of you.
His body and blood become part of your very essence.

Blessed beyond with His presence in Holy Communion.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Habit Forming

~~~ 2 Chronicles 24:17-15 ~~~ Psalm 89 ~~~ Matthew 6:24-34 ~~~

...Do not worry about tomorrow; tomorrow will take care of itself.
Sufficient for a day is its own evil.

It is easy to read these words and easy to type them in this post, 
but the reality is often something different.
Worry is not something you choose to do.
I think worry is more often a habit that you find yourself trapped inside.
I have written here in this blog about worry before.
It is a common theme in each of our lives.

Even when we try not to engage consciously
 in the loop of worry, it happens.
All of a sudden you realize 
that you have been operating under the influence of worry.
It is like a disease; it begins with large things 
which happen only occasionally in your life
 and before you know it you find yourself 
worrying about every little thing.
You find yourself worrying about things that do not even matter.

Worry becomes the pattern...the norm for your life...
until one day you decide to end it.
One day you finally 'get it'.
God is the reason you have been worrying.
God is the reason because you have not been able
 to trust in his care for you.
You cannot believe that he cares for you
 more than you even care for yourself.

Worry has never delayed the arrival of tomorrow.
But worry has made today miserable.
Worry has ruined the present.

Too many times we worry about things that are not even real.
We worry about what might happen
 sometime in the future.

We spend time creating the entire scenario
 to fool ourselves into believing our worry is justified.
And too many times it is successful.
How can I write about this?
I have done this to myself...I have let worry rob my peace.
I am trying to trust more often than not.
I am trying to let God be in charge of tomorrow.
I am trying to think of what is good about now.

If we can focus more energy 
on the present we will have less time 
and energy to use on worry.

Worry always brings negative emotions to the forefront.
Worry is never about the good things that happen.
We never say to ourselves...'What if I never get cancer?' 

Break the Habit.
Get out of the cycle.
One way to stop the worry habit is to set aside a specific time
 when you allow yourself to worry, maybe only thirty minutes each day.
If the urge to worry comes up during the day tell yourself
 you will worry about that at __ time.
Replace your worry with a positive thought or experience.
Worry today will not solve a problem that
 'might' happen tomorrow.

Put God in the middle of your worry 
and see if things don't get better.
Hand over your worries to God. He can sort them out.
He can turn all things into good, leaving 
nothing left to worry about.

Trust in God and put your worries to rest.
He will give you the blessing you need at the moment.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Where is Your Treasure?

~~~ 2 Kings 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 ~~~ Psalm 132 ~~~ Matthew 6:19-23 ~~~

...where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

While Game of Thrones is considered to fantasy,
 today's reading from the second book of Kings really happened.
If you read through the Old Testament
you will find everything thing possible to imagine.
Writers and film makers can delve into the pages of the Bible
 and get endless ideas and plots for stories.

The Gospel today is much more appealing to me.
What do you treasure?
Where do you keep it for safe keeping?
Is it in a display case?
Is it something you occasionally put in the spot light?
Is it visible or invisible?

What we treasure may change over the years.
When you are young you treasure things that are more tangible.
As you get older you begin to understand that the real
 treasure in life cannot be seen.
The real treasure for me are my family and friends that I love...
my relationship with God.

What we treasure gets permanently stored....etched...
into our heart.
Maybe each treasure stored in your heart releases its own chemical marker.
Science reveals our bodies to be one big chemical concoction.
So why couldn't something we treasure be connected to specific chemicals.

What is treasured in the heart is more valuable than gold,
silver, or precious gem stones...
more precious than diamonds and pearls.

Treasures stored in the heart are protected from decay...
from thieves, from moths and vermin.
The treasures stored in your heart can only
be damaged or destroyed if we give our permission.

Sometimes we decide to let go
 of something once thought to be a great treasure.
Circumstances change throughout our lives.

In the Bible there are about seventy four verses
 that mention the word treasure.
They typically refer to accumulated possessions of gold and wealth.

Treasures stored in your heart are safe from thieves.
God wants us to treasure our faith.
He wants us to treasure
our desire for a closer communion with him.
He wants us to treasure
 the great love and mercy he gives to us. 
He wants us to treasure
 the stillness in our heart that knows he is our God.

...where your treasure is, there also will your heart be.

God Blesses us in many ways,
but especially through what we treasure in our heart.
Notice what you treasure today and tuck them carefully into your heart.
Let them stay there and draw on them for your joy and happiness.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Brooks Babble

~~~ Sirach 48:1-14 ~~~ Psalm 97 ~~~ Matthew 6:7-15 ~~~

Your Father knows what you need before you ask him.
Of course this does not mean that we should stop praying
 or speaking with God concerning our needs.
It is like your lungs know you will take
 your next breath before you inhale?
But sometimes taking a deep breath is invigorating...
even healthy.

Elisha was filled with his spirit;
He worked twice as many marvels,
and every utterance of his mouth was wonderful.

God truly blessed Elisha. His prayer to be blessed
 with twice as much grace as Elijah did not fall on deaf ears.
God used the goodness and humility of Elisha to work wonders.
Elisha was a good and faithful servant of the Lord.

This is our calling as well...
to be good/holy and faithful servants to the Lord.

The grace of God illumined the world through Elijah and Elisha.
Is your life illuminating the world with the reflection of God's grace?
How can we make this happen in our world today?

It is possible through fervent prayer followed up with genuine action.
Jesus gives us the perfect prayer in the words of the Our Father.
In the same breath he cautions us to not just babble mindless words.
Prayer is not so much about the formal words,
but rather the disposition of the heart.
You can recite the Our Father
 for hours every day and it not be a true prayer. not babble...

Elijah and Elisha were most effective not because
 of the words they recited,
but rather because of their heart's desire.
They desired above all to please the Lord, God.

It would be incredible to be one who spreads the goodness
of God everywhere.
There is just one catch I do not want to know.
I would like his goodness to manifest itself
after I have passed from the scene.

Everyday we have the opportunity to live the words of the Our Father;
it is possible with his Blessings.

The Lord Bless us and Keep us in his grace.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Praying in Secret

~~~ 2 Kings 2:1, 6-14 ~~~ Psalm 31 ~~~ Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18 ~~~

Elisha learned many things from Elijah as they traveled together.
On this day Elisha knew, what the prophets confirmed,
 the Lord would take Elijah up to heaven.
In their final conversation together, Elisha states his bold request.
He was alone with Elijah who had just rolled his mantle to part the river.
They crossed on dry land to the other side.

When they had crossed over, Elijah said to Elisha,
“Ask for whatever I may do for you, before I am taken from you.”
Elisha answered, “May I receive a double portion of your spirit.”

They now stood together on the other side.
This is where God takes Elijah up into the heavens.
Amid the fiery whirlwind, one thing remained behind.
The mantle/cloak belonging to Elijah was left on the ground.
This was now to be the mantle of Elisha.
He stands there alone.

...when he could no longer see him,
Elisha gripped his own garment and tore it in two.
Then he picked up Elijah’s mantle that had fallen from him...

Elisha tears his mantle in two.
He is leaving his former life to enter into his new life.
He no longer had need of his mantle...he had been given
his inheritance...the mantle of Elijah.

He picks up Elijah's mantle wondering about God's plan for him.
Doing what he had witnessed Elijah doing previously
 he rolled it up and parted the water.
He now crossed on dry land.

Elisha, as prophet,
was now to be one who gives a voice to God's eternal word.

So here we are today we no longer have Elijah or Elisha standing before us,
but we will always have the voice of God's eternal word.
Our challenge is to listen for his word.

When we enter into our inner room
 and close the door it is just you and God.

...when you pray, go to your inner room, close the door,
and pray to your Father in secret.
And your Father who sees in secret will repay you.

The prayers we make in secret are no less valid
 than the request Elisha made to Elijah before the chariot
 carried him up to heaven.

It was not Elijah who granted Elisha's request, but rather God.
God chose Elisha to carry on the role of prophet
 as he had been mentored to be through Elijah.

...Ask for whatever I may do for you...

Go into your inner room and pray to the Father in secret.
He hears your voice no matter how small.
He listens with compassion and mercy.
The Father sees what is hidden in your heart...
All that you hold secret in your heart the Father
 sees and knows what is best for you.

Even when we do not have the words in prayer the Holy Spirit
presents our needs to the Father on our behalf.

Too many ways God is blessing us to comprehend.
Just be grateful...he is with you.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Judge and Jury

~~~ 1 Kings 21:17-29 ~~~ Psalm 51 ~~~ Matthew 5:43-48 ~~~

Be merciful, O Lord, for we have sinned.

Yesterday's story continues only now God gets personally involved.
God sends Elijah to render his verdict against Ahab and his wife, Jezebel.
The verdict rendered by God was harsh and far reaching.
The future generations of Ahab would also 
pay for the crime of their parents.

“Because you have given yourself up to doing
 evil in the LORD’s sight,
I am bringing evil upon you: I will destroy you
and will cut off every male in Ahab’s line...

Ahab and Jezebel did not think for a minute
 that they would be judged by God for their crime of murder.
They clearly believed that no one suspected
 the evil plan to kill Naboth had been orchestrated by the king's wife.

Amazingly Ahab came to his senses upon 
hearing God's plan for the future of his family.

We might think Ahab did not deserve to be forgiven by God,
but that is exactly what God did.
God forgave Ahab, but not in the way we might expect.
God spares Ahab, but not Jezebel or his children.
Jezebel's gruesome death is recorded in 2 Kings 9:30-37.

This reality must have been a greater punishment for Ahab
 than being struck down on the spot.

He had to live out the remainder of his days knowing
 that his family was sentenced to make restitution for his crimes. have given yourself up
 to doing evil in the LORD’s sight

There is no way to hide from God.
Whatever good or evil is in our heart he knows.
We cannot deceive the Lord.

...pray for those who persecute you...

This is perhaps one of the hardest things to do.
It is not your first instinct to pray for someone
you are ready to punch out.
Remember, as Jesus was dying on the cross
he prayed for those who pounded the nails into his body.
Forgive them for they know not what they do.

In order to make progress on the road to holiness,
 we must learn how to forgive first rather than as an after thought.
God is the one who decided what is just.
God is the one who administers the judgement and punishment.
God is the judge and the jury.

Dear Lord, please give me the desire
 to quickly forgive those who have wronged me.
Daily Blessings needed to forgive first thing.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Murder for Hire

~~~ 1 Kings 21:1-16 ~~~ Psalm 5 ~~~ Matthew 5:38-42 ~~~

Let's make a deal...lies...deceit...corruption...

Ahab said to Naboth, “Give me your vineyard
 to be my vegetable garden,
since it is close by, next to my house.

How far is too far in supporting your husband? Jezebel
 ventured way beyond her realm of power.
She forged her husband's signature, after writing 
pages of lies about Naboth.
Jezebel manipulates the laws to favor the king, her husband's, wishes.
King Ahab wanted the nearby plot of land belonging to Naboth for his own.
Naboth refused because it was part of his family heritage.

Naboth answered him, “The LORD forbid
that I should give you my ancestral heritage.”

The king was extremely angry over not getting his way.
Jezebel had a choice... 
Keep her husband happy or arrange for murder.
She used one to accomplish the other.
She arranged for a murder to keep the king happy.

The king's anger seeped into the heart of Jezebel.
It is true that a wife should support her husband, but she crossed the line.

After the plot for murder was carried out as the queen outlined
the king took possession of the garden plot.

You hate all evildoers.
You destroy all who speak falsehood;
The bloodthirsty and the deceitful
the LORD abhors.

Jezebel deserves to be labeled 'bloodthirsty and deceitful'.
She and the king Ahab entered into the darkness of death as accomplices.
They allowed their soul to be shattered for a small piece of land.
What were they thinking?

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations
 where our better judgment is clouded by our own selfishness.

The law of the land then did not allow the punishment
 for a crime to be greater than the crime.
What punishment did Jezebel and Ahab deserve?
Since they were the rulers, who would 
decide if there would even be a punishment?

Together they may have outsmarted the local officials
 and achieved their goal;
but they lost their souls in the process.

God does not play games.
He does not engage in 'Let's Make a Deal'.
He does not condone 'murder for hire' scenarios. evil man remains with you;
the arrogant may not stand in your sight. 

This verse from the psalm puts it bluntly...
evil cannot be in the presence of our just God.

Lord, protect me from my own arrogance.
Help me to always see the reason to reject evil is to be with you.
That is all that really counts in the long run;
being with you.

Blessings in every situation, keep us faithful.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Triune God of Love

~~Trinity Sunday~~
~~Exodus 34:4B-6, 8-9~~Psalm Response Glory and praise for ever!~~
~~2 Corinthians 13:11-13~~John 3:16-18~~

Today is set aside by the church as Trinity Sunday
 to draw our attention to our triune God...Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Three persons in one eternal love.
God is love.
He sent the Son, Jesus, because of love.
...for God so loved the world...
Jesus returned to the Father
 so that the Holy Spirit could come and abide
 for us until the end of time.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ
and the love of God
and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you.

We are living in the glow of the love between the Trinity.
We are participating in the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
As participants, we too must emulate
 the same intensity of love as exists within the Trinity communion.

God is love and if we are in fellowship with the Holy Spirit;
 we are also in fellowship with the same love.

So in honesty, do we worship the Trinity of God
the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
or do we worship the prideful trinity
 of me, myself, and I?
In our world today it is easy to get confused.
It is easy to think what matters most in life is the me,
 myself, and I trinity.

God can take care of himself he doesn't need us to be like him.
But it is this great love relationship
 that exists within the Trinity
 that is very important to us.
It is this same love that we
 must extend out to those around us.

Live in peace.
The Trinity exemplifies the possibilities of peaceful living. 
If we can live in peace
 then the God of love and peace
will reside with us.

"The LORD, the LORD, a merciful and gracious God,
slow to anger and rich in kindness and fidelity."

We must hold ourselves to the same standard
of mercy, kindness, and fidelity.
These qualities are not reserved just for God;
practicing them in our lives moves us
 toward a greater relationship with God.

Our whole purpose for living
 is to make our way to heaven when we die.

The Trinity is love
 and we have been granted the invitation
 to participate in fellowship with them.

Come on let's join in the Trinity of Love.
Blessed to be invited.
~~~Live in Peace~~~

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Cloaked for God

~~~ 1 Kings 19:19-21 ~~~ Psalm 16 ~~~ Matthew 5:33-37 ~~~

The call of Elisha;
his name means 'my God is salvation'.

Elijah went over to him (Elisha) and threw his cloak over him.

God worked threw Elijah to claim him for his own symbolized by his cloak.
Elijah claimed Elisha for himself with his cloak.

Cloaks were made of animal's hairs, typically worn by kings and prophets.
Elijah did not need to give any explanation to Elisha
 when he covered him with his cloak.

In effect he took him under his wing.
Elisha gladly became the servant of Elijah.
God had chosen Elisha to follow in the prophetic footsteps of Elijah,
but Elijah did not feel that he was smart enough. 
Elijah says look come with me and I will teach
 you what I know and God will do the rest...don't worry.

At first Elisha was torn between leaving with Elijah
 and pausing to kiss his parents goodbye.

When God calls it is not
always at a convenient time in our lives.
We have many excuses of our own
 when God enters into our lives.

Covering another person with your cloak
means you are now connected to them...
you are committing to take care of them.

God sent Elijah to Elisha.
God gave Elisha the faith to answer the invitation.
Elisha was not in the temple learning the Scriptures;
he was working in the field for his parents.
He even humbly admits he is not equipped
 to become one of God's prophets.

Elisha was busy living his life.
He was not trying to become a learned man of God.
He was not someone most would
 have ever suspected God would use.
Elisha responded and was greatly blessed by God.

Jesus says...
You do not chose me, I chose you.

This was true for the young prophet to be;
it is true for us today as well.

We are blessed to be chosen by God.
Are you running away?
Are you giving excuses?
Are you answering his call even though
you do not feel prepared?


Friday, June 13, 2014

God, Where are You?

~~~Memorial of Saint Anthony of Padua~~~
 ~~~Priest and Doctor of the Church~~~

~~~ 1 Kings 19:9A, 11-16 ~~~ Psalm 27 ~~~ Matthew 5:27-32 ~~~

At the mountain of God, Horeb,
Elijah came to a cave, where he took shelter.
But the word of the LORD came to him,
“Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;
the LORD will be passing by.”
A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains
and crushing rocks before the LORD—
but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake— 
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake there was fire—
but the LORD was not in the fire.
After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
When he heard this,
Elijah hid his face in his cloak
and went and stood at the entrance of the cave.

A tiny whisper causes Elijah to hide his face in his cloak.

Sometimes God is not where we expect him to be.
Sometimes he is not where we thought he would be.
Sometimes he is not where we want him to be.

Many times he surprises us with where he turns up;
like in today's reading from 1 Kings.
God is in the whisper, not the wind, earthquake, or fire.
Certainly God could have been in any 
of those three powerful images, but he chose the whisper.

Maybe Elijah covered his face because he was embarrassed;
he was looking for God in the wrong places. 
Maybe he covered his face because he realized just how close
 he came to completely missing the presence of God.

God does not need to reveal himself through power and might.
God can reveal himself in quiet subtle ways.

Does God live up to your expectations of him?
Have you ever felt like covering your face 
after noticing the presence of God?

God sees Elijah and calls out to him,
just as he called out to Adam and Eve in the garden...
just as he calls out to us when we go into hiding.

God spoke to Elijah and calmed his fears.
God delivered him from his enemies with only a whisper.
God did knock Saul from his horse to get his attention,
but he speaks to Elijah in a soft gentle whisper.

Dear Lord, bless me with the desire
 to cherish the times your presence is but a whisper in my soul.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Stealth Anger

~~~ 1 Kings 18:41-46 ~~~ Psalm 65 ~~~ Matthew 5:20-26 ~~~

The problem with anger is...
How do you complete that sentence?
What makes you angry?

Jesus says,
...whoever is angry with his brother
will be liable to judgment...
...go first and be reconciled with your brother...

Even though anger might be a normal human
 response in certain circumstances,
it does not mean it is good.

We all know the killing of another person
 is a grave sin according to the written commandments.
But today Jesus says wait a minute...step back...take a closer look...
Where is the real problem?
I suggest, Jesus is telling us the real problem is anger.
Anger is the first step toward committing murder.
The more steps you take in anger the more difficult it is to retreat.
If you keep stepping deeper into anger you get closer
 to being able to take another's life.

Anger clouds your better judgement towards rationalizing the wrong decision.
The opposite is true for love.
Love clouds your judgement towards making the better decision.

Jesus does not want us to be comfortable residing in a state of anger.
Jesus wants us to find a way to be reconciled with others.
Where is the place you can see the other person in a more loving way?

Elijah sent Ahab to look for the rain cloud.
For six trips to the lookout post he saw nothing.
Finally the seventh trip up he saw a very small cloud...
“There is a cloud as small as a man’s hand rising from the sea.”

So it is with anger;
at first it may begin as something small
...not really important...
If allowed it continues to grow...
occupying more and more of your heart.

The same analogy can be applied to forgiveness and reconciliation. 
At first it may be very small...just a passing thought...
But if we keep trying to see the person as God sees them, then
we have a greater chance of rooting out the anger.

Anger is stealth as it often creeps up on you.
Your anger is specific to your personal disposition.
Anger is stealth because it can present itself
in your life in a quiet and clever way.
The word stealth is Archaic: the act of stealing.

Anger is stealth because it steals your peace and your joy.
Anger is covert; this is how it hides in your soul.
Anger replaces your peace and joy.

So I ask you.
What do you want more of in your life...
Anger or Peace and Joy?
Personally my desire is to choose peace and joy over anger.

Lord, please bless me with sufficient grace
 to never let feelings of anger keep me from your presence.
I thank you, Lord, for filling my soul with your peace and joy.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Visible Face of Grace

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 11:21B-26; 13:1-3 ~Psalm 98~~Matthew 5:17-19 ~~~

Barnabas arrives in Antioch
and is pleasantly surprised at what he sees.
The Gentiles have become so exemplary
 in the way they are following the teachings of Jesus.
Barnabas remarks he saw the grace of God...
'visible grace'.

He stays for a year because he is so impressed at what he is witnessing.
Basically he tells them to keep up the good work.
...remain faithful to the Lord in firmness of heart...

He returns to his home town convicted
than before to preach for Christ. was in Antioch that the disciples
were first called Christians.

If we call ourselves Christians
 then we too must make the grace of God visible.
We cannot just wear the Christian label like a fashion designer garment.
It is so much more than just a is the visible grace of God.

You are the new evangelism in the church.
You are the one who must reveal God's grace in the world today.
You are the one God is Blessing for his kingdom.
You are the one he wants to send.
You are the one who is the visible face of grace.

Are you up to the challenge?
His message is not for the person next to you;
his message is for you.

His grace sustains us in times of trial and hardship.
If his grace is sufficient,
then we must make it visible to others.

Dear Lord, please help me today.
I want to make your grace present to those I meet.
May the Lord bless us
and keep us in his grace today.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Prophet in the Middle

~~~ 1 Kings 17:7-16 ~~~ Psalm 4 ~~~ Matthew 5:13-16 ~~~

O LORD, let the light 
of your countenance shine upon us!

The name “Elijah” means “the Lord is my God.” 
Elijah stands in the middle of the battle between
 the fertility god Baal and The Lord.
Who will the Israelis pledge their loyalties to,
 Baal or the Lord of Elijah.

Being a prophet must be both challenging and rewarding.
You are both the bearer of good and bad news.
Your message is either heeded or you are ousted.
Whatever the result it is never easy.
Oftentimes the one chosen by God to be a prophet
does not want to accept this anointing.

Elijah had a most difficult task, because Baal was the favored god
of King Ahab's wife, Jezebel.
One can only imagine her outrage at Elijah's
 announcement of the drought.
Jezebel could have easily ordered him to be executed.
God saw fit to protect him by sending him away.

God protects us in ways we do not see or understand too.
God provided for Elijah's well-being;
he sent food by raven.
He led him to the poor widow
who was preparing to die with her son. 
She was an unlikely one to rescue him from starvation.
She had very little left in the cupboard.

She, however, listens to Elijah and complies with his request.
Sometimes God asks us to do something out of our expectations.
The widow was resigned to her fate;
God entered in and changed her whole life.
God not only changed her immediate life, he gave her a new life.
The flour sack and the oil jar mysteriously replenished themselves...
of course we know God did this for her obedience.

For the LORD, the God of Israel, says,
‘The jar of flour shall not go empty,
nor the jug of oil run dry,
until the day when the LORD sends rain upon the earth.’

God watches over those he has appointed to do his work.
The work of a prophet was one of the most rewarding
 and one of the most dangerous.

That day God Blessed the house of the widow.
Later God allowed Elijah to perform a miracle
when the widow's son suddenly dies.
She had been a good and faithful servant of the Lord;
 God in turn gave her son back to her.

Certainly we cannot expect such demonstrative
miracles from God on a regular basis.
God is always at work on our behalf.
He does shine the light of his countenance down upon us.

Being in the middle is not so bad when
God is part of the mix. 

Being in the middle can be a Blessing
 when you are bringing forth the Kingdom of God.
What are you in the middle of today?
Where is God in this picture?