Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Deep Peace

~~~ Acts of the Apostles 14:19-28 ~~~ Psalm 145 ~~~ 
~~~ John 14:27-31A ~~~

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you.
Not as the world gives do I give it to you.
Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

In today's world the only peace we can rely 
on is the peace from Jesus.

We are all searching for peace...we long for peace.
The peace that we find is often temporary.
The peace that we long for is illusive.

There are ways in which we attempt
 to create an environment conducive to peace.
I think we would all agree that when we are
 at peace we are also in a positive environment.

It is essential that we find a way to create
 peace in some form at home.
We need a space where we can escape the chaos of the world.
We need a way to disconnect from the rat race world. peace I give to you.

The peace we are given from Jesus
 is internal peace of heart and soul.
The peace from Jesus is 
experienced from the inside out.

The peace from Jesus runs deep within.
The peace from Jesus gives us hope 
in the promise to be united in the kingdom of heaven.

All tears...all hardships...all suffering
will be no more with the peace of the Lord.

Peace from Jesus is better than any peace 
we can create for ourselves.
Whatever peace we can achieve here 
is just a snapshot of true peace.

The Peace from Jesus
 is the uppercase P.
The peace we create
 is the lowercase p.

Each time we can experience peace
 in our life is a glimpse of the deeper peace.
The deeper peace from Jesus is waiting
 for us in heaven.
When we get to heaven 
the peace we long for will be the norm.
When we get to heaven there will be no anxiety
 that we will lose our peace.
When we get to heaven
 peace will be even better than any
 peace we might hope for today.

Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.

We are Blessed with Peace that only
 Jesus can give to us.
Until we reach heaven 
this peace comes in small servings.

The promise of Peace is for all people
 in all times.


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