Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Is Your Faith Deficient?

~~~ Memorial of Saint Monica ~~~
~~~ 1 Thessalonians 3:7-13 ~~~ Psalm 90 ~~~ Matthew 24:42-51 ~~~

Night and day we pray beyond measure to see you in person
and to remedy the deficiencies of your faith.

This single verse, which St. Paul wrote, is fitting 
for this feast day of Saint Monica.
Monica, the mother of Saint Augustine, 
models what it means to pray night and day.
She prayed beyond measure for her son.
She prayed for not only the conversion of her son,
but for the very saving of his soul.
Her fervent prayers were in hopes of remedy 
the deficiencies of his faith.

She drew from the depths of her own faith
 in order to replenish her son's lack of faith.

While we do not believe that we can be saved by proxy,
she never let her frustrations overcome her faith.

Sometimes, as a mother, all you can do is pray for your children.
Prayers that somehow God will lead them on the right path.
We pray that they will come to recognize the role 
faith plays in their life.

Monica could have easily become frustrated.
She could have given up hope for her son to ever believe.
Her example shows us that your prayers are never wasted...
there is never a time when your prayers are no longer necessary.

Stay awake!
For you do not know when the Son of Man will come.

Physically we need to have our sleep to function, 
we cannot 'stay awake'.
It is our heart...our soul that must remain awake.
You must keep your heart awake, open to receive
 the Lord when he does come.
This is a daily task, you cannot put this on hold.
You cannot wait for a better time.

Monica did not give up even after Augustine was an adult.
She no longer had influence over his daily actions,
but she did have influence over her prayers for his soul.

Stay awake...for yourself,
but also Stay awake for your loved ones...
Stay awake for those who need your prayers of faith...

Pray for the one who 'Stays awake' for you.

We must never underestimate the power of prayers in our life.

Saint Monica, teach us to live in a deeper faith.
Prayers Bless those for whom you pray,
but prayers also bless the one who prays.


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