Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

"Starter Pack"

~~~ Revelation 4:1-11 ~~~ Psalm 150 ~~~ Luke 9:11-28 ~~~

If we did not know any better one would think that the author
of the book of Revelation was on some kind of hallucinating drug.
The descriptions of his visions are so rich with imagery that
 film makers continue to find vivid theatrical material.

If you want beautiful jewels, read Revelation.
If you want a royal environment covered in gold, read Revelation.
If you want scary winged creatures, read Revelation.
If you want thrones, elders, pomp and circumstance, read Revelation.
This book has it all including the highest words of praise.

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty,
who was, and who is, and who is to come.”

All creatures great and small
flock before the one who sits upon the throne.
For he is the Holy One...he alone is worthy.

Let everything that has breath
praise the LORD! Alleluia.

Jesus was rejected in so many ways during his time with us.
But in heaven there is no hesitation.
In heaven nothing is too much to give to the Lord.
In heaven no creature feels unworthy
 to come forward with their songs of praise.
In heaven beauty, precious and dazzling, is presented to the Lord.
In heaven we will be made into a new creation...
one clothed in the purity of his love.

In heaven no one will need to be coaxed
 into singing their praises of God. 
In heaven the splendor of the One who sits
 upon the throne will be brighter than even the sun.

In heaven we join the others in giving him
praise day and night.
All that God has so generously given
to us we will return to him in thanksgiving.

Our life long task is to discover the gifts we have been given,
and then to use them to their fullest.
If we only partially use our gifts we are
 ignoring their full potential.

God gives each of us our starter pack of gifts;
he does intend for us to use them.
A started pack is only the beginning it is up to you to continue...
to do multiply your expand them...
to use them in creative ways.

When we approach the One who sits upon the throne
the question will be,
"What did you do with my 'starter pack' of gifts?

The gifts we have must be used in order to increase.
The more we make use of our gifts
the more abundantly they will be developed.

The is only One God...
He alone is worthy of our unceasing praise.
The 'starter pack'  is only to get you excited for the Lord.

Blessed to be called to join
 in the unending hymns of Praise. 

 Holy, holy, holy Lord, mighty God!


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