Prayer Requests and Gratitudes

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Baby's Bath Water

~~~ Revelation 3:1-6, 14-22 ~~~ Psalm 15 ~~~ Luke 19:1-10 ~~~

Behold, I stand at the door and knock.
If anyone hears my voice and opens the door,
then I will enter his house and dine with him...

Sometimes when we have everything that we need...
that is the comforts of life,
there is a danger of forgetting about our spiritual life.
This is what has God upset with the people in Laodicea.
Everything is going great...they are a wealthy
 industrial and commerce city.
They have a renowned medical school.
They exported fine woolen clothing.
Their cosmetic eye cream made them popular.
They were so well off that they were able to rebuild their city
after a devastating earthquake without outside aid.

They had life all figured out except for their relationship with God.
They were too busy to give it much attention.
Maybe they thought that God would just be there no matter what.
Maybe they thought that because life was going so great there
 was no need to bring God into the scene.
Making room for God can complicate your life.
You cannot be lukewarm when it comes to having God in your life.
Lukewarm may be good for the baby's bath water.
but not when it comes to God.

He has gone to stay at the house of a sinner.

Jesus called Zacchaeus down from the tree
and invited himself for dinner.
Jesus could have just showed up at the door and knocked.
He certainly did not send a messenger ahead
to give Zacchaeus a heads up.

Zacchaeus had no idea that Jesus could
have come knocking at his door.
Little did he know that God was knocking
 at the door of his heart.
God led him to be curious enough to come
 out to see Jesus for himself.

Zacchaeus opened his heart to Jesus
and Jesus wasted no time in dining with him.
This meeting led him to hear the truth within his heart.
He was so moved that he gave half of his possessions to the poor.

It is far worse to be lukewarm then to be hot or cold.
It is all or nothing when it comes to God.
If you cannot be completely committed to him
then it may be time to ask yourself why not.

What are you most committed to in your life?
God is totally one hundred percent committed to you...
he would never be lukewarm.

Allow the Blessings of the Lord
to change the temperature setting of your heart.
~~~ Peace~~~

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